Teacher forms query - urgent

<p>so one of my teachers who will be doing an evaluation for me is now working in another country and had done and left the evaluation before at my school before he left </p>

<p>on the commonapp i entered his details in and it says it sent an email to him</p>

<p>obviously i would need him to click on the option that identifies him as an "offline providor" but for some reason he does not seem to be recieving the email from common app and after countless emails from me seems to be getting frustrated with it all.........</p>

<p>would it matter if i jst left the status of the rec as unsubmitted on the common app and then send it via paper........</p>

<p>in other words would the universities need the common app status FIRST of the teacher as an offline providor, before i send the forms</p>

<p>or is it implied by my sending them</p>

<p>thanks in advance for any thoughts....</p>

<p>Nice… Uh, I think you can add him and just not put in his email. Delete him from the list, then add him again without his email.</p>

<p>it worked…thanks</p>

<p>haha i feel like an idiot now