Teacher rec on common app

I have 8 schools on my common app, but only 1 school showed up for my teacher when he wrote my letter of rec. what did I do wrong? How do I fix it? thanks!

Teachers fill out one recommendation. It’s for you. It goes into your Common App portal.

Then you assign the recommendation to the schools you want it to go to.

The teacher isn’t party to the schools.

So if you see your teacher in your common app as complete - then as you pull schools into your common app that require or give the option of submitting letters, you can then attach to that school.


My teacher said that only one school was “listed” when he got a link from the Common App. What is he referring to?
Also, I have a school that only asks for 2 letters, but they said I can send a third. Is it not possible to send that through the common app since they only ask for 2? should I send the third rec by email?

I don’t know what he’s seeing. Tell him to finish the letter. Then you should see it in your common app portal.

LORs aren’t school specific in Common App- so since I can’t see - I don’t know.

If you are asking for a third letter and before you do, make sure it will add value - like it’s a coach or employer, etc. then follow the instructions of the school - but it’s best to upload via common app.

Good luck.

For the schools where this teacher is listed as “other recommender”, the letter doesn’t show as complete in my portal and doesn’t show up at all in his portal. The only school where his letter said “complete” is the school where he was listed under “teacher”

I’m confused - are you the student or someone else.

Understanding the recommendation process (commonapp.org)

Student. He told me that when he got the link for my reference, it only listed one school

If you have a school counselor available, they should be able to check in and see if there is a problem: they’re in a better position to debug any issues than a CC member. Most likely, though, you’re fine - don’t worry about what the teacher can see.

Thanks. My counselor is new and doesn’t know - which makes me nervous too