Teacher Recommendation Gifts?

<p>Did anybody give the teachers that wrote recommendations for your child a thank you gift? It seems like a lot of work and I was thinking a note and something small as an extra thank you.</p>

<p>What are your thoughts?</p>

<p>We did give a small token – though I know it wasn’t necessary. But felt as you – that it was alot of work, and we were grateful.</p>

<p>I was thinking the same, but don’t know how.
I owe thanks to six teachers for the letters.
Is there limit of gift amount?</p>

<p>Really the amount is not important, — I think we gave boxes of godiva chocolates, but my S wrote a nice note to each. Once he made his choice of BS, he also sent follow up notes to let them know where he ended up.</p>

<p>skibum4-same here. Son wrote TY notes and gave small packages of truffles to the teachers. They knew where he was going because he wore the school sweatshirt April, May, and June!</p>

<p>This is a very good tip. Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>i did, i bought them about $50 dollars worth of candy and chocolate each…
and i gave them passes to a workout gym</p>

<p>Any body have any new thoughts on this? My S has applied to 8 schools and that’s a ton of work as you all know.</p>

<p>No harm in writing thank-you notes now to thank them for their time and effort…but I would recommend buying that teacher a sweatshirt from the school you’ve chosen as of April 10th as a way of telling them how it all worked out in the end and again thanking them for their time and effort.</p>

<p>I think movie tickets and gift cards of moderate value are appropriate and easy to send in with a thank you card. But should you send them in before or after?</p>

<p>Godiva gift basket. Not very original, but one teacher especially said she really appreciate the hot chocolate because it arrived right before the snowstorm. :-)</p>

<p>I would send any gifts after the recs have gone out so there is no doubt as to your intentions.</p>

<p>Check your state laws re: gifts to teachers. It’s illegal in our state to give teachers gifts over a certain amount.</p>

<p>Giving a too lavish gift will cause talk.</p>

<p>A donation to the school (in the name of a teacher with a note) is a nice idea also. Some schools have special accounts set up for this where teachers can use the money to buy something they need for their classrooms or to attend educational conferences.</p>

<p>PA-C has got it right! Make sure that you give the gift AFTER the teachers have sent the recommendations! We tried to be sure that the gift appeared to be of an expense that my son could have afforded so it would seem that HE purchased the gift. So it was in the range of about $5-$7 per teacher.</p>