Hello! I am a rising Senior at my high school. I would like to send in two teacher recommendation letters in order to get into the McCombs School of Business.
How exactly do I go about doing this? I have asked the two teachers to write me a recommendation letter, but I am not exactly sure what to tell them when they ask where they need to send it. They have not written it yet.
Mail them to the admissions office. Google is your friend.
@danfer91 would I need to provide them with an envelope / would they have to mail it?
I’m somewhat worried that he/she may not correctly send it . . .
So is it possible that I do it ONLINE instead of e-mailing it? @PastePotPete
I have pasted the relavant portion here. Do not email it.
Submitting Your Recommendations
Letters of recommendation may be submitted via the Document Upload System, or you may use the system to ask someone to submit their recommendation to us directly. Track upload status by logging in to the Document Upload System.
You may also submit recommendations by mailing or hand-delivering them to the Office of Admissions, although these submission methods are not preferred and may result in processing delays. (International students may not use these methods.)