<p>Am I screwed?? It like 7 days passed the deadline?</p>
<p>most colleges are still processing things, etc.</p>
<p>honestly, you should be fine if you send them ASAP</p>
<p>Um… I sent my counselor rec in to Maryland on Nov 15 and they finally got them checked off on Jan 6th. It might take … forever and a half, but if you sent them… they’re there.</p>
<p>Most colleges either postpone your application without recommendations (push it to reg. decision if you apply EA/ED) or they just throw your application away</p>
<p>Late recs aren’t a big deal at all. I applied early and my recs didn’t get there until pretty late in the game. They don’t penalize you for your teachers’ mistakes, but you do have to get it in eventually.</p>
<p>I’m not so sure about that. My son’s guidance department completely screwed up and didn’t send teacher recommendation until a week before decisions were due. He was deferred. I’d ask the teacher or guidance to explain why it was late or at least tell them it wasn’t your fault.</p>
<p>StevenWheatland wrote: “or they just throw your application away”. Now where do you get this screwball idea? This is exactly the kinda ultra paranoid stuff you see in tons of postings here on CC. Don’t be a rumor monger.</p>
<p>If after an extended while and your file is still incomplete, they will contact either you or your school for the missing documents. The colleges aren’t filled with heartless monsters looking to derail applicants’ chances. C’mon!</p>
<p>If the rest of your application is complete, chances are it won’t hurt you if the recommendations are just a little bit late. Instead of sending them by email, I would contact the college and see if they can be faxed directly to the school as soon as they are ready to go!</p>
<p>This happened to my daughter last year (she’s a college freshman). Her high school faxed over the missing recs (there were more than one) and it worked out all right.</p>