I am a junior right now and… sadly I have no idea how this teacher recommendation process takes place…
Please correct me if iam wrong…
<li>You go to a teacher that is closely acquainted(?) to you and you ask them to write a recommendation</li>
<li>The teacher writes a letter of recommendation…</li>
<li>If the student is applying for 3 colleges she writes 3 letters…</li>
Are these right?
Also I don’t understand what people mean by “letters of recommendation” or “forms of recommendation…” Is there a certain form of recommendation that a student gets from the actual school? Or is it just a piece of paper and a pen that the teacher hand writes…
Please help me
Thank you
<p>Yes they will write as many letters as you need. Fortunately, some of application forms are identical and those will save the teachers time.</p>
<p>If you get comments on your report card from teachers, then you know which ones will write better recommendations for you.</p>
<p>Usually colleges like to see one humanities teacher and one science. Ask your College Counselor if this is true and discuss your choice with the CC.</p>
<p>What I don't get about these recommendations is that is there a specific "form" given out by each colleges for the teachers to write their recommendations on????? OR is it just a piece of letter that the teacher writes....</p>
<p>Yes, most colleges have a form. However, you could go ahead and ask the teacher to write a letter, even if you don't have a form, as the form usually either has a space or asks you to attach a letter of recommendation. The common app has a form for teacher recommendations that is fine for many colleges. It basically has a space for the letter, then a list of things for the teacher to rank you in. Since almost all of the colleges I applied to that wanted recommendations used the common app, my teachers just printed it out and copied the same letter. Some like to make it more individualized for the colleges, which works better if you are appying to less schools. Note: it would be a good idea to ask the teachers to keep the letters saved so it can be used for scholarship applications or anything else when needed.</p>
<p>WATCH OUT-</p>
<p>Some schools have different Teacher Recommendation forms. It won't be the normal student ratings section + attach a letter, please deal. No, they might ask the teacher five specific questions about you which would take a lot of time to fill out if you want your teacher to really consider answering each question completely. So if your teacher has already written a letter and chooses to attach it and answers one or two lines in the questions section, I'd guess that it is a negative thing. Granted, colleges understand that teacher recommendations take a long time and they'll often give you the benefit of the doubt, but by not tailoring your teacher recommendation to a particular college, that college might wonder- "so, which school's form did the student choose first then added our school on to?"</p>
<p>So to answer the OP's original question- there are many different forms. The common application will give you the most general form, and your teacher can fill out one application and copy it over and over which makes it easier for EVERYONE. Best of luck,</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your posts it has really helped me.... </p>
<p>Perhaps you guys can help me with one more :)</p>
<p>These "common apps" that you talk about where can I get them? </p>
<p>I am sorry... everyone on this board seems to know alot about colleges and admissions... Sadly I just found this board yesterday....Again thanks for your help</p>
<p>do top-tier schools accept common apps too?</p>
<p>The list of which schools accept the common app can be found at <a href="http://www.commonapp.org/commlist.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.commonapp.org/commlist.htm</a></p>
<p>Not all top-tier schools accept it, but very many do.</p>
<p>Also, on the topic of teacher reccomendations, my high school has its own form that they ask colleges to accept in lieu of their specific forms. In theory, I'd think colleges wouldn't appreciate that, but we get several Ivy Leaguers each year, along with many other great colleges, so yo no se.</p>
<p>all of you thanks alot!!</p>