<p>I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet. I was looking over the application instructions and I noticed that they wanted a rec from an english/history and a science/math teacher! I only have recs from history and foreign language and I don't know what to do!!!!! I can't believe I didn't notice this before and I'm really bashing my head over this GIANT MISTAKE! Do you think this grants automatic rejection...it should because idiots who can't read directions shouldn't even get in! What do you think?</p>
<p>Please, please, please does anyone have some words of wisdom? I am seriously freaking out!</p>
That’s what they say on the admissions blog. I think I remember reading here about the occasional student who was admitted without one required recommendation, but in general the OP is right that this is a big problem.</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s an unfixable problem, though. At least I hope not. If I were the OP, I would call the Admissions Office *immediately<a href=“well,%20not%20until%209:00%20am%20CST”>/i</a>. Explain the situation, make certain to express appropriate dismay and contrition, and to give the impression of barely holding back tears (or maybe not holding them back, but not so much that she is incoherent), and offer to get them a math or science recommendation by the end of next week. Then she should call her target recommender at home and repeat the same performance, with lots of anticipatory gratitude and a commitment to bake him or her several dozen favorite cookies. (If the OP is uncertain she can deliver on the end-of-next-week schedule, maybe it makes sense to call the teacher first, so that when she speaks to Chicago she can know what to promise.)</p>
<p>I can’t promise this will work, but there’s really no other choice. I don’t think Chicago wants to disqualify good applicants on technicalities – even if there is a lot of substance to the technicality – and I suspect they are willing to extend the deadline a bit to permit completion of an almost-complete application. (Lots of stuff gets lost and has to be re-sent anyway, and it takes days to sort stuff out into the right electronic or physical files, so it’s not like everything is ready to read on 1/2 anyway.) Maybe they won’t, but it’s worth trying. </p>
<p>I do think it’s important to request the extension today, before the deadline, rather than after it. The OP is right that not reading the requirements carefully looks bad. Take this opportunity to look good in your response to that mistake.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your helpful response. I’ve been trying to get a hold of my teachers but to no avail. And I didn’t want to call Admissions without a solution to the problem. I really don’t know what to do. What else do you think I should do? I’m pretty sure I’m screwed! :(</p>
<p>I don’t think you’re doomed either.
As long as you have everything else turned in by the deadline, I think you’ll still be ok if you get an English/History teacher to get a rec in ASAP. I’ve heard that oftentimes colleges are more lenient about postmark deadlines when it comes to transcripts, school reports, and recs…things that are generally only half in the student’s control.</p>
<p>So you don’t think that I should call Admissions and explain my massive stupidity? Because I doubt I will be able to contact my teacher before school starts…which is on the eighth.</p>
<p>If you’re not going to be able to contact your teacher until the 8th, then tell admissions that. You really should have called today, but try tomorrow. In the past, they have always had a counselor on duty to answer last-minute questions (maybe from home, by e-mail, so try e-mail, too, like, NOW) on the final day applications are due.</p>
<p>Note: You need a math or science teacher, not another history teacher.</p>
<p>Don’t bother your teachers on their winter break! They have enough college stuff for other kids and you expect them to crank out an essay on new year’s eve? I would probably email a teacher and ask them to consider it but it is a lot to ask teachers at the last minute, especially since they usually like a month in advance minimum. If that doesn’t work then just deal with it.</p>
<p>You certainly shouldn’t ask any teacher to crank out an essay on New Year’s Eve, but I think the circumstances warrant begging a little bit for quick turnaround. A month is too long. If you don’t know a math or science teacher who would like to help you, you are in a bit of trouble. And I would try to reach one now rather than waiting until classes start up again, if only to give him or her the option of doing it next week rather than after school begins.</p>
<p>Thank you so much everyone. I e mailed my teacher to see if she could write one by the eighth. I’m just crossing my fingers for this to work! Thanks for your help!</p>
I got and business&management teacher and my spanish teacher - does b&m count as a social study???
my school’s REALLY MEAN - I don’t think my teachers will give me a rec :(</p>
<p>I think the problem occurs whether or not you should submit your application today. The website says that admissions is closed today and they probably will not open until the fifth. The way I see it, I think you should just submit your application with the teacher recs you already have. Then call the admissions office on Monday and see what you can do about it. Regardless of what they say print out a teacher rec form and hand it to a math or science teacher and politely as possible tell them to send it in as soon as possible. UC receives many applicants and if they are like most big universities, it will take them a couple of days or weeks before they have everything organized. So by the time they receive the rec from your teacher, all they will do is add it to your file. If UC is one of your top choices then make sure you send in all other materials today, all you have to lose is the application fee. If this makes you feel better, when applying to Columbia I realized over Christmas break that they didn’t use the common app. Since my school does not open until the 5th, I called them and they said it was perfectly okay to submit the rec and counselor portion of the application later as long as I had the other portions sent by the deadline. All in all, don’t stress too much about it. It is out of your hands, just be sure to give that teacher that does write that rec for you a thank you card or an end of the year gift or something. Good luck!</p>
<p>Basically, I did the exact same thing–that is, I trusted Common App to fill me in on all the requirements, and thus ****ed up the teacher rec thing. So earlier this week, I emailed by regional officer in a panic, explaining that UChicago is one of my top schools and I’m such an idiot, but I’d understand if this took me out of the running for admissions. He emailed me back and basically said that, although my recommendation wouldn’t be considered complete until they got a math/science rec, it wouldn’t have a detrimental affect on my application, so long as I got it in quickly. (I also explained I wouldn’t be back at school until the 5th, blah blah blah). </p>
<p>Moral of the story? Don’t worry! Call/email your regional officer to beg / give them a heads up and then CALM DOWN. Everything will be okay. :]</p>
<p>I have a similar problem, I have an English rec and a rec from a teacher that has had me in his history and computer science classes.</p>
<p>I’ve been in his computer science classes for 4 years and the history only 1, and the last 2 years of computer ed, have been intensive independent study, where I’ve lead a web development team for the district site and learned various coding languages. </p>
<p>However, I don’t think his computer courses fully constitute “computer science” since they are not officially labeled that way. Also, he labled himself on the common app a history teacher. </p>
<p>So I need to A. Find out UChic’s policy on computer science, and B. Ask my teacher to amend his recommendation. </p>
<p>Unfortunately, my admissions counselor won’t answer emails until the 5th and the office isn’t open either.</p>
<p>I’ve read the solutions above, but I wonder if the common app will send while missing a rec (since it needs to be modified)</p>
<p>@ juventus: I think common app only requires you to send 1 recommendation in order to work, so you can withhold the second rec to double-check that and still send it in. Don’t take my words as gospel, though :D</p>
<p>PS: I love your CC handle! :)</p>
<p>nope, it requires two. I’m going to email my teacher. what else can I do?</p>
<p>Yea I didn’t realize about this until now…</p>
<p>This really sucks. I sent 2 science and a Spanish. Oh well, so you all think if I send in an English one on Monday (when we get back to school) that’ll be fine? I wonder since I’ll have 2 other recs, ifl they will count them all equally or put more weight to one science and one English because the two science are definitely the strongest only because I’ve known both teachers for 3 years.</p>
<p>hey! calm down! get one in as soon as you can. they are EXTREMLY reasonable, esp if you had the rest of your stuff in on time. they’re human beings, too. turn it in. what’s the worst that can happen? it would only hurt you not to try. my english teacher turned in one of mine a little late and i got in. Calmate!</p>
<p>hey! calm down! get one in as soon as you can. they are EXTREMLY reasonable, esp if you had the rest of your stuff in on time. they’re human beings, too. turn it in. what’s the worst that can happen? it would only hurt you not to try. my english teacher turned in one of mine a little late and i got in. Calmate!</p>
<p>wow…no wonder i can’t get into u of c…i can’t even follow directions :(</p>