Teacher's Recs!?!?!


<p>I gave my recs to my teachers about a little more than a month before now (mid October, to be exact) and neither my math nor my english teacher has filled those out yet!?!?!?</p>

<p>Should I remind them or something, or would that tick them off???</p>

<p>Please help!!!</p>

<p>drop the following note in their boxes:</p>

<p>Hi [xxxxx],</p>

<p>I know how busy you are and so I feel a little guilty following up on the status of the recommendation you’re writing for my application to boarding school! But, it’s really important and we’re coming against the due date soon. Do you think you’d have time to complete it in the next 2-3 days? It would make a huge difference to me and I’d be so appreciative.</p>



<p>I havent even given my teachers the recs yet, dont worry…it will probably be done. I would talk to them tho</p>

<p>i would talk to them. they know that it matters to you a lot probably so I think if you remind them they’ll get on it</p>

<p>If the teachers did not have you before, October was a bit early for them to write them. Some school web sites say that you shouldn’t give them to teachers until November. If you haven’t given them to the teachers yet, I would get on that as soon as possible. Everyone gets busy for the holidays.</p>

<p>i also gave my rec to a teacher a month ago and havent heard anything hence…
i’ll go ask/remind her tomorrow. haha.</p>

<p>how should i start saying it to them?
(my teachers don’t have boxes since it’s quite a small school.)</p>

<p>Brooklyn Guy: I didn’t really think of it that way though… my mom told me to give them out asap so that they would have plenty of time to write it. So I do think they were waiting to get to know me better… then probably forgot all about it…</p>

<p>i asked my teacher today… she said she lost it and asked me to give her one more tomorrow. this time she’ll make it quick
damn :|</p>

<p>Ugh, is it better to have the teachers mail them directly?
Actually, is it against the “rules” to have them give the recs back to me for mailing? I want to mail the entire application, recs included, at one time, for organizations sake.</p>

<p>i want to mail all at once too, plus that i’m far far away so my materials sure will be lost if my teacher mails the rec :|</p>

<p>Yikes I’m getting such mixed reactions! some people say NO its against the rules
But its more convenient!

<p>I don’t think it is against the rules if you have the teacher seal the envelope and sign their name across the seal.</p>

<p>You can call the schools you are applying to and ask if this is acceptable.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about the recommendations getting lost in the mail. If it were a wide spread problem, the schools would not suggest it be done that way.</p>

<p>Regardless of what you think may be better or easier for the school, you need to follow THEIR directions (with the understanding that there may be different rules for students applying from abroad). It is also your (and your family’s) responsibility to follow up to make sure that all parts of your application have been received. Some schools have an online system for you to check this. Others send postcards about missing items. It is also acceptable to call the admissions office and ask “Is my application complete, or is something missing?” and then to politely remind a teacher of something that needs to be sent. Obviously, don’t call once a day…</p>

<p>I forgot to give my teacher the envelope for one of my recommendations, and the day after I gave her the envelope she told me that she had sent all my recs off.
I guess that’s a good way of reminding them too!</p>

<p>One of my teachers, though, asked me to mail it for me. He just gave it to me, but he signed the flap on the envelope and sealed it. On the other hand, doesn’t the instructions on the recs say that the teachers can either mail it themselves or ask the students to mail it for them?</p>

<p>Stop stressing. If the teachers have given them to you in sealed envelopes, drop them in the mail box. Stagger the days if it makes you feel better. If they try to hand the sheet to you, ask politely if they could put it in an envelope and seal it so you won’t see it. Explain that it’s supposed to be confidential. If the teacher wants you to see it, it was probably very good.</p>

<p>I wish I could’ve seen it though…
I can’t help wondering what my teacher wrote about me…</p>

<p>Does everyone feel like that? Or is it just me?
I think I’m getting a little paranoid XD</p>

<p>From where I am, it costs a lot of money to send a bunch of reccomendations to the schools, so naturally the teachers filled them out, signed and sealed the envelopes, and asked me to send them out. There won’t be a problem sending them in one large envelope will there? Along with the rest of my application materials.</p>

<p>but dont you have to stick the stamps on the envelopes then give them to the teachers?</p>

<p>I guess everyone more or less wonder what his teacher would say about him in the recommendation, but that’s something you don’t have control over, not now. You’d better believe he’d say what he said in your report cards and parent-teacher conferences.</p>