Teaching Physics to Elementary School Students

<p>Okay, now that APs are over, our assignment is to teach physics to elementary school students.</p>

<p>Anyone have suggestions for any labs that would be fun, easy, and educational?</p>

<p>The only one I've thought of so far is making ice cream, but that is too messy.</p>

<p>We had fun with light polarization (ie tape clear scotch tape to pieces of glass and look at them through polarization slides). Polarization isn't too hard a topic either...</p>

<p>Ohhh. I had this book from where I was an elementary school kid titled "101 Physics Projects" I think..
It was really cool, had tons of neat, simple projects you could do. If I find it, I'll tell you the real title. I remember there was a drawn picture of a girl with black hair doing a project on the cover. </p>

<p>Oh, I found it!</p>

<p>Physics for Every Kid
101 Easy Expermients in Motion, Heat, Light, Machines, and Sound
Author: Janice VanCleave</p>

<p>do the egg thing, where you need to keep it from breaking when you drop it off a building. That is wicked sweet and competitive.</p>

<p>stuff with comparing static and kinetic friction is really nifty, too.</p>