Tech over UVa?

<p>Now, to all those ardent Tech fans, I'm asking you to please take my ignorance with a grain of salt. I am in no way trying to insult the institution, I actually respect it very much.</p>

<p>Now, I am a Junior, and will be applying to several state school next year. Among my top choices are both UVa and VTech. I'm sort of torn.</p>

<p>I aspire to go on to an accredited Medical school one day (By accredited, I mean top 15). My main question is, would going to Tech hinder my chances of going to such a place. Or would a 3.9 be the same at Tech as it is at UVa?</p>

<p>Also, how hard is it to maintain a 3.9+, is it as impossible as UVa?</p>

<p>And how hard is it to get into the Biochem program? And how long does it take (I want to finish college in <3 years)</p>

<p>I've heard that VTech has a happier campus and who can't love the food??</p>

<p>Thank you for all of your advice!!</p>

<p>Thispakistanigir, Welcome to the VT forum. You are wise to be thinking about your school choices as a junior, however, I suggest that you apply to each next year and then see if you get admitted to one or the other or both. </p>

<p>Both UVA and VT are great state schools and they offer unique experiences to their students. In no way would you be hindered by choosing VT (or UVA for that matter) if you should be admitted. You will need to work hard at either place to get great grades; a 3.9 is tough no matter where you go. They are different universities in many ways; you really need to visit to see which campus feels right to you, but they are alike in the fact that each offers a quality education. Others may disagree, but I don’t think given what you want to major in, one is superior to the other. </p>

<p>Good luck and hopefully others will chime in with information about biochemistry/pre med.</p>

<p>I have these two aunts.</p>

<p>Aunt 1: went to TJ, UVA (Biochemistry), rejected from med school, became a dentist
Aunt 2: went to Woodson, got rejected from UVA and went to VT(Biology), got accepted into Harvard Medical
Moral of this is, work hard and you’ll do just fine wherever you go haha.</p>

<p>Hmm, but also it’s all about GPA GPA GPA! Biology is supposed to be an easier major, so Aunt 2 probably just got a higher GPA in the end, so when med schools look at this, they really don’t care what school you go to as long as you ace your pre-reqs and it’s not at a community college. I hear VT’s Biochemistry program however is harder than UVA’s even though UVA has more prestige and is the more selective school. </p>

<p>I am in your same situation though bud. I got accepted into VT’s Biochemistry program and am just really wondering how hard it is supposed to be! I want to be a dentist however, but yeah same thing. You need grades and I’m not so sure about how my grades at VT are going to end up if their Biochemistry is so hard! Some chick from VT called me on the phone (you know the ones that try to get you to go to their college and offer to answer any questions) and she told me that Biochemistry was one of VT’s most demanding majors next to Engineering. Just a little scary. </p>

<p>So yeah pretty much…just follow your heart! Work hard, get good grades (especially in your science pre-reqs), study for your MCAT, and do something unique to really stand out!</p>

<p>To really answer this question about which place is the best to go though, you need someone who was majoring in Biochemistry at VT and then transferred to UVA or vice versa haha. If only there were such a person who could clarify things for us. Some med school acceptance %s of these two colleges would be nice actually. I’m not sure where to find them though.</p>