<p>@tigerwings - you posed a specific question, are Notre Dame and Vanderbilt more prestigious than Drexel and Stevens in the engineering world? No, they are not.</p>
<p>Now, expand that list to include Sam Lee’s: Northwestern, Stanford, Cornell, JHU, Princeton. In engineering terms, only Stanford would be a clear “yes”. The others don’t have stronger engineering programs than Drexel or Stevens, certainly not for undergraduates, but they do have enough carry-over prestige in other areas to make the answer “probably yes”.</p>
<p>As to what you should decide? Only a selection of campus visits could make that clear. The “tech schools” are going to offer a more intense STEM environment, with more like-minded students, than most of the “elite privates” you listed. All of them have strong coop programs. Other majors are available at “tech schools”, but those majors typically still have a STEM connection, which can be a plus in today’s economy. The “tech schools” can also provide good preparation for law school or medical school. But if something happened that completely soured you on STEM, a transfer might be the only practical option. You don’t see as many students transfer out of a “tech school” as you see dropping out of engineering at other schools, because the pool of students is self-selecting.</p>
<p>The really significant drawback is a lopsided gender ratio at most of these “tech schools”, and I think it’s a drawback for both male and female students.</p>
<p>Making the case for “elite private” schools, you will encounter more students who are strong in other fields. If you are not sure of STEM, there are more options to choose from. Everyone will have heard of your “elite private” school. Drexel, Stevens, RPI and WPI are not so well known, except in technical fields.</p>
<p>In terms of curriculum, the ABET requirements level things out. However, the ability of the students definitely influences what can be covered, and to what depth. There is an advantage in attending the most selective school possible, whether “elite private” or “tech school”.</p>