Tech v. UNC

<p>Any reason I should pick Tech above UNC if I'm doing interdisciplinary studies and want to go into the ministry after graduation? Reasons to pick UNC instead of Tech?</p>

<p>Hi indecisive, </p>

<p>You have two very fine schools to choose from. Congratulations to you! Obviously UNC Chapel Hill is a very, very good school and it is quite an accomplishment to be accepted from OOS. While many (especially those on the UNC board :slight_smile: ) are of the opinion that UNC is superior to Tech, I am of the mindset that there is not that much difference to make an in state student pay OOS fees to go there. Both are solid state schools with so much to offer.</p>

<p>I know from reading the website that VT is restructuring its IDST major. In what way I do not know and I am sure you have been finding out more about it. However, I would assume you would probably go onto grad school or the seminary, so you need to factor in more money to pay out again in four years. </p>

<p>You have said that you are interested in undergrad research and study abroad. By being a large research based university, Tech offers its students- and they really look out for the honors kids on this I have heard- many opportunities for research. The study abroad programs are good as well. We have just started looking into the study abroad stuff with our son and were quite impressed with all of the possibilities Tech offers. Many are made very affordable due to the exchange programs they have with international schools. That is something that you may want to ponder. If you really want to study abroad, it may help to make it more affordable to have that in state denotion with some of the exchange programs. Just something else to think about. </p>

<p>I wish you the best. If you visit both, then hopefully you will get a good feel for the schools and campuses. IMO if UNC can make it comparable for you monetarily with scholarships, then it is a harder call, but if not, I am sure you would do well as a Hokie! It is a no lose situation as far as I am concerned. Ten/twenty years from now, rankings and what biases people have for their school will be meaningless. You could get a great education at either place. I am sure you will make a wise decision and do well at either place!</p>

<p>If you stated you were going to go into the business world, I would have said hands down UNCCH, I am assuming it is UNCCH, and not UNCW or UNCG. I say that because UNCCH is one of the top 5 public universities in the nation, and Tech is nowhere near that. However, that is not your major and I agree with KandK, no reason to pay OOS.</p>

<p>The one thing I would state is college is more than academics, it is 24/7 life. UNCCH is located in a much different environment than Tech. Some love the mtns, and that suburban feel (Hokies), some prefer the city feel (Tarheels). </p>

<p>You really are looking at 2 different campuses, and although I am usually one that says don’t take a campus tour, because a classroom at Tech will look the same at UNC, in this case you need to see the outskirts and how dramatically different the two campuses are when being compared to each other.</p>

<p>BTW had you stated you were going ROTC, I would have said the opposite answer…hands down VATECH.</p>

<p>If you want to go into the ministry after graduation I would think that you should just go to whichever school you’re more comfortable in. I don’t think the prestige difference between UNC and VT is going to change much of anything.</p>