Tech vs JMU

I know there are many forums on this topic but a lot of them are put of date.
So I’ve been accepted into both of the business schools but I have no idea which one I want to go to. I would be going to JMU for accounting and Tech for accounting and information systems. Aside from the rankings what makes Tech better than JMU? If you had this same problem, what helped/made you choose your school?

Tech is a more well known school as for JMU is a more well known regional school. I got into both schools and I prefer Tech more because of the recognition and more people are to have known to have gotten interns and jobs through Tech. I’m sorry if this wasn’t much help haha

I’ve read the hundreds of forums on this topic and come to the conclusion that you’re gonna do fine either way, it’s just personal preference. some people don’t like VT business because it is so well known for engineering but that doesn’t matter. accounting is one of VT’s strong suits in business along with business information technology.

everybody’s going to have a different opinion but both are equally fine business schools