Technical theatre and geography dual major

I’m a junior and I am passionate about theatre but I also love geography. I really want to go somewhere where I can double major in technical theatre and Geography and get my teaching license for both.

My gpa is a 4.0 weighted - I don’t know my unweighted but I got a 1510 on the psat. Im also a national qualifier for both theatre makeup design and costume construction and am going to nationals this summer. And I’m in an honorary theatre group where we get to volunteer at theatre summer camps so I’ll be doing that this summer.

Does anyone have any recommendations for colleges I should look into?


There are plenty of schools that offer all of the above (theatre tech, geography, and a path to a teaching license). The tricky part is that many/most technical theatre programs are BFA programs that leave little elective time to double major.

Geography-wise, are you looking for a more social-sciency program, or one that’s heavy on GIS?

Do you know where you’d like to teach? It can be helpful to get your degree in the state where you want to be licensed.

This list may be useful: Technical Theatre Programs - A Full List | Theatre Trip There are programs that aren’t on there, though. (For example, Syracuse U, which has a Theatre Design & Tech BFA, a Geography BA with five different tracks, and a School of Education with MA programs leading to licensure) UConn is on this list, and has a particularly strong geography department.

Do you want the commitment of a BFA program, knowing that it will make it difficult if not impossible to add a second major and finish in four years?

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Your PSAT is very good. Have you calculated your Selection Index (the score that qualifies you for National Merit Semifinalist status?) If you end up being a National Merit Finalist, there are some schools where you will receive full tuition or even a full ride (full tuition plus room and board and books etc.) An example would be at University of Alabama (which also happens to have Theater, Geography and education majors.) And there are others, too.

I agree, you will have to decide BFA vs. BA in Theater Tech. If you choose BFA, you will find it almost impossible to double major in Geography because the BFA programs require so many theater classes, and have minimal room for electives. My S22 is doing a theater tech major, and chose BA instead, which is fewer required classes, because he wanted a chance to take electives outside the program and maybe double major in something.

For people who want to major in such different fields, often big public universities are the way to go because 1) they have all 3 areas you want 2) they are usually more generous about accepting AP credits etc, which is really helpful when you want to double major, to get the gen eds out of the way.

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Also, do you know yet where you want to be (e.g. South, MIdwest, New England etc?) What size school you are most interested in? Rural vs. Urban? Also what is your budget per year (ask your parents if you are unsure.)

James Madison University in Virginia has majors in geography (with an option to also pursue licensure for grades 6-12) and theatre (with the option of concentrations in design and technology, and theatre education - with a PK-12 licensure option).

I suspect that doing all of that would take 5+ years because of the number of classes you would need to take to satisfy all of the requirements, and to be certified in both you would likely need to student teach in each.

That being said, if you were to take the course work for both majors you could likely first be certified to teach in one of them, and then later pursue certification in the other.

Also, depending on the school you could maybe be a geography teacher who also assists in technical theatre with the theatre program.

As someone else noted, you may find that larger state schools will provide the most opportunities for you to explore and pursue your goals.

You also may find that once you start studying in these areas in college one or the other emerges as the one you want to pursue most fully.

It might be good if you helped us narrow the very many available choices, based on your parent’s financial ability/willingness, your urban vs. rural preferences or dislikes, etc.

Even though you might not know your unweighted GPA (it should be easy to calculate from your transcript), it might be helpful to understand the level of classes you have are taking for which subjects (e.g., honors, AP/IB) and what proportion of A’s vs. B’s you’ve had in high school.

Otherwise you might get too many suggestions that might not be well suited.