Teetotaler at Pomona?

<p>For reasons (my body's inability to properly process alcohol being one), I choose not to/can't drink alcohol in any amount more than half a glass of wine. </p>

<p>Well, Pomona is kind of famous for its widespread drinking scene. Will I feel left out of the social scene if I don't drink?</p>

<p>this is a good subject to address. When I chose Pomona, I was fairly unaware of the extent its drinking scene. This was certainly something to get used to. I did not drink in high school and drank pretty rarely on my gap year. I am not a huge extrovert and partying every weekend is not my scene. The drinking scene (and more so partying scene) at Pomona is a little higher than I’d like it to be, but I’m adapting. There’s definitely a fairly large contingent of people who do not drink or choose to drink very little and it’s not too hard to find them if you search. Pomona has several freshman sub-free halls each year and the sponsor group system is such that even if you are not sub-free, but you specify that you drink very little, you will end up in a group with people who have similar values. On my housing form I said that I’m not a heavy drinker or partier, but was open to trying it in college and didn’t have a huge problem with others who do more drinking. as a result, I got placed in a sponsor group which is “mid sub” as we call it. People drink and party sometimes, but not excessively. This works well for me. I have another friend who almost never drinks, but chose not to live on sub-free and most of her sponsor group is similar. There are many options and I know plenty of people who go to parties and have fun while sober.</p>

<p>One thing you may consider though: if you don’t drink, how comfortable are you with going to drunken parties sober? I’ve found that, unless you or your friends have a car, it’s hard to get out of Claremont most weekend evenings, which leaves most of the social scene to partying. I have had some weekend nights where I have chosen not to go out, and it can be hard to come with things to do other than taking walks, watching movies, or talking. I don’t like going to most of the parties sober.</p>

<p>If possible, I’d recommend coming for a campus visit for several days–maybe a Saturday evening through Monday or something. This way, you can see weekend life on campus and see an academic day as well. Possibly request to stay with a sub-free student to see what they like to do on weekends, since this is what you’re asking about.</p>

<p>For me, the drinking has not turned me off of Pomona. It’s a great school and I’ve never felt so happy intellectually. I think most people find their niche there. :)</p>

<p>You’d feel left out at CMC, not so much at Pomona, I’d say. There are sub free halls, and there will be plenty of drunk people on weekends. You can definitely go to parties sober–I did freshman year, because before then I rarely drank.</p>

<p>Definitely try and visit.</p>

<p>Pomona does not have a high surveyed binge drinking rate. It was well below the national average, the last time I saw it reported.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say Pomona has a “widespread drinking scene.” </p>

<p>Lots of people drink of weekends, but lots of people don’t</p>

<p>do they have any rules for drinking in dorms and things like that?</p>

<p>I’m not going to get technical here, although I am familiar with the rules. Basically, if you drink in your dorm room, don’t get too rowdy/noisy beyond quiet hours (12am Mon - Thu; 2am on Fridays and Saturdays) and the R.A.s will leave you alone. But remember not to let them see a hard alcohol bottle in your room. Ever. Empty or not empty, you will be written up.</p>

<p>There’s no such thing as a red cup rule. No open containers allowed - beer bottles etc.</p>

<p>Pomona has a wide drinking scene, but there is a sizeable number of people who do not drink, and you can find them, but as a freshman, I would recommed finding them during your freshman year and establish relationships with them - friend or acquaintance. The you can go out and do stuff together when everyone is either pre-gaming or whining about lousy parties during the weekend. Coz a lot of people love to go out partying on weekends, and a few hardcore folks do it frm Tues - Sat (a few). I personally found parties dead boring after freshman year, and now only go to one once in a blue moon.</p>

<p>That Saturday Group tries to hold sub free events often, some flop, a few are worth attending. Treasure hunts; gingerbread house making; and other good stuff. There are also many sub free events held regularly - so read the digester; take note of flyers advertsiing events and check them out. We have an active theatre scene, and yes if you friend has a car, go to broadway or check out concerts in Disney Concert Hall. Or go midnight beaching at Santa Monica. Of course, you could always sit around, have tea and chat about philosophy (my favorite =))). But again, the key is finding friends who wanna just chill around with you. Everyone here is really friendly, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding them.</p>

<p>The Red Cup rule while unofficial is respected by just about every RA I’ve met.</p>

<p>i’m sorry - the red cup rule? haha, i have no idea what you’re talking about.</p>

<p>pour your drink in a red cup, and all’s good. kind of a don’t ask, don’t tell approach to under-age drinking on college campuses.</p>

<p>ah, got it. actually, now that i think about it, i remember someone telling me that they have similar policies in nearby Brown and URI (University of Rhode Island).</p>

<p>But overall, it is a very low pressure scene. People drink, but there isn’t a stigma attached if you don’t, and aren’t going to pressure you to.</p>