Telecommunication & Film department merger?

My UA transfer son is an Anthropology major who is considering a minor or double major in T&F at UA. I’m reading there is a departmental merger underway with Telecommunication & Film and Journalism in the College of Communication & Information Sciences. I know the 2016-17 catalog continues to list T&F as a major, but just wanted to get some feedback from parents that this will continue to be a strong major. He’s interested in the Documentary Film concentration.

My sophomore son is double majoring with one degree in TCF, media production. The curriculum for TCF will not change, only the journalist curriculum will. He thinks TCF will continue to be a strong major due to its strong resources with many internships in the news (WVUA) and sports studios (Crimson Tide Production). He says documentary film is the smallest concentration but he will receive plenty of individualized attention from excellent professors.

@Clair3 thanks for that feedback. It makes sense that online, digital media would continue to be THE growth field with our focus moving like gangbusters online for everything from entertainment, shopping, books, social to news, etc. What is your son’s second major?

Sorry, meant to tag @Claire3. Why on earth can I not edit my post?? Maybe not enough points?

You only have a limited amount of time to edit. Looks like you made it work.

@Claire3 My daughter will be applying to UA as a TCF major for fall 2017. Did your son find hands-on opportunities in the department early on? She was impressed with the studios when we toured in March.

@MSEinAL I’m interested in what your son thinks of the Documentary track when he gets started. I think that is my daughter’s first love, although she may go the media production route. Good luck to him!

Son says a CTP employee will likely come into one of the communication or TCF classes to tell students about the opportunities available for interns. There will also be flyers in the Reese Phifer building. It is competitive and a resume is required. He applied and started first semester freshman year and it’s been an invaluable experience. There are also a few films being produced on campus by upperclassmen which need students to help as a production assistant.Talk to your professors for these opportunities. There are also interns at WVUA the onsite public tv station in Bryant Denny. Very cool place to work!