Telephone Service

<p>How does the phone service work at Denison? Do they charge a monthly fee just to have a phone in the room, or do they just pay for any long distance calls? My DD will have her cell phone, so I am hoping not to pay alot more in addition to that, but would like to be able to reach her & vice versa when she loses the phone (note I didn't say IF :-)</p>

<p>The phones in the rooms are free. I believe that in order to make long distance calls from it they have to use a special calling card which they sign up for during August orientation.</p>

<p>My son never used his room phone. He always used his cell phone (and he never lost it!!!). We also Instant Messaged a lot. I really liked the IMing because it could be brief - just a Hi how are you. (He isn't much into chatting on the phone - at least not with this female ;) )</p>

You're ahead of us----we are already down 1 cell phone and we've only been to Granville once. Actually ours was lost by one of my other DD's (the 15 y/o), at the hotel in Newark. We're fairly sure she left it on the bed. It was small and white and I'm guessing it got gathered up with the sheets. But that's only a guess because no one ever found it. At least no one has called me at home for several months saying, "Um, I found this cell phone so was just calling the 'home' number in the address book...." which is usually what happens with college-aged DD! Its funny because she's really very mature, and keeps all kinds of balls juggling at once with amazing organization, but her weakness has ALWAYS been losing things!</p>

<p>What is a good cell phone carrier for Denison??? We currently have cingular. We can always switch since we are not under any contract. Any suggestions???</p>

I think you can call Cingular and ask them how their coverage is in Granville. We have Verizon and when I called them they told me they have a tower on the Denison hill (on the watertower as I recall)! And we do have very good connections with him.</p>