<p>Cyberkil, not meaning to criticize, but your schedule is not very good, especially for a non direct admit.</p>
<p>L141-- way too much of a hassle to get the W131 type requirement out of the way. L141 requires more writing than W131, since it is a four hour class and meets four times a week. I would just take W131 (meets three times a week and fulfills Kelley English comp requirement).</p>
<p>K201 is a tough class to take first semster. You might take K201 2nd semester, and take CSCI A110 first semester to ease you into K201 (a lot of overlap in these two courses, so A110 will get you prepared for K201).</p>
<p>Take A100 first semester and try to get it out of the way, or at least give yourself more chances to pass the class. If you take it 2nd semester first eight weeks and don't get at least a "C", you will have to pass it second eight weeks or go to summer school in order to be on schedule to complete A201 and A202 your sophomore year and be on course to take I-Core first semester of junior year.</p>
<p>Take X100 this fall and do not take G100 at all. X100 is easier and either class will meet Kelley entrance requirement. A big majority of Kelley applicants take X100 rather than G100. Last fall semester 41 students took G100; 1,369 took X100.</p>
<p>No reason to take Hist-B 226 Mafia and other italian mysteries. You need two 300-level classes to fulfill distribution option. Most people take three one-hundred level S&H classes and two three-hundred level S&H classes. A two-hundred level class is unnecessarily difficult, and this class looks like a risk to your GPA.</p>
<p>You might take this semester:
CSCI A110 (easy N&M class; will get you ready for K201)
SOC S110 Charts, Graphs, and Tables (a very easy N&M class that has no lab; hurry though, only five seats left, according to real time scheduling database)</p>
<p>I think if you make drop/adds within 48 hours of choosing your first classes, there is no fee.</p>
<p>This will give you 16 credit hours, which is typical for a pre-Kelley freshman first semester.</p>
<p>Take BUS K201 and M119 Calculus your second semester and you have what you need to apply to Kelley.</p>