Tell me about these schools for Nursing?

can you tell me about these colleges for nursing-
and/or rate them from best nursing programs to least.</p>

<p>Northeastern University
UMASS Amherst
UMASS Dartmouth
UMASS Lowell
Salem State
Simmons College
UMASS Boston
Curry College
Regis College
Endicott College
Mass. College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences</p>


<p>Anyone?! Please!!</p>

<p>Northeastern, the UMass schools, Mass CPH,and Simmons have highly regarded Nursing Programs. I do not know enough about the others to make any comments about them. It sounds like from your list that you are a Mass resident. The public universites would certainly be less expensive and if you are planning on pursuing a Nursing graduate degree you want to spend as little as possible for your undergrad degree. Although I don’t know about some of the schools you listed I suspect that Northeastern and Umass Amherst would probably be close to the top of the list from a rating perspective. Northeastern utilizes a coop model which many feel is excellent. Unfortuneately Northeastern is also extremely expensive. Best wishes to you in pursuing your college choice.</p>

<p>I believe Northeastern is a 5 year coop program? If so, investigate the pros and cons of that option.</p>

<p>With Mass. public universities, make sure you are counting up all of the fees. Their academic fees are much higher than their tuition.</p>

<p>Look for the first time pass rates of each college’s graduates for the RN exam. That info is often posted online by individual states, and if not, may be available by emailing your State Board of Nursing. That info is not perfect, because some schools may kick out students if they don’t think they will do well on the exam, and some schools have a less selective student body in the beginning. Also, it only includes the first time that each person takes the test - many pass the second time.</p>

<p>If a nursing school has low pass rates for a few years in a row, they are put on probation, and could lose their acreditation. That should be a red flag.</p>