Tell me if I am on the right track to making it in (not a chance thread)

<p>Hi so I'm in 11th grade right now, so this is not a chance thread. At this point my gpa is pretty low, and want to see what i can do to improve so i can get into UW- Seattle.</p>

cumulative gpa (as of now)- 3.166 UW (9th/10th grade combined only)
my semester gpa right now (11th grade 1st sem)-3.33 UW (pretty shabby, but I know if I work hard I can get a 3.6/3.8)
9th grade- honors sci/french 2 (gpa this year- 3.33)
10th grade-honors sci/honors english/honors history/french 3 (gpa this year 3.0)
11th grade (now)- ap literature.comp/ap ush/ ap es/ french 4
12th grade- planning on taking 3-4 AP classes</p>

<p>Reasonable Goal GPA- 3.4/3.5 UW
I know if I tried super hard, get 4.0s, and did summer school to replace some Cs with As, I could potentially receive a 3.6, roughly.</p>

in 3 clubs, 2 of them i barely do anything in, other 1 is out side of school where I am a leader and am extremely dedicated (I can get super good recommendations and a really good essay out of this, I know for sure)</p>

<p>-Volunteer Work-
-worked with foodbank
-worked with the committee
-accumulation of 130+ hours (so far)</p>

<p>-<em>Basic Questions</em>-
-what am I doing right?
-what am I doing wrong?
-am I on the right track?
-what are things I should start doing or stop doing?
-what grades does UW look at (eg-9th, 10th, 11th)
-anything else you can contribute :D thanks</p>

<p>It depends if you’re in state or out of state. In state you’re definitely on track but I think SATs might make a difference.</p>

<p>thanks for the response!
yes I am in state. and yeah, i really need to improve my SAT, I took the PSAT last year and did really bad, 1500ish, without any studying or even knowing what it looked like. i am aiming for 2000/2100+ which is achievable.</p>