Tell me im crazy please?

<p>So im about ready to submit my app for rd and i think i have a chance!</p>

<p>except my fear now is that my regional director hates me / finds something appalling about me. i sent her two emails with questions to which she responded promptly to, and then has not responded to an email i sent like 3 weeks ago and an unrelated one i sent on like monday. is there anything she might know that would kill my app before i even submit it? i dont think i did anything wrong but i really really wanna get in D:</p>

<p>I think you’re overreacting and should chill out a little =P.</p>

<p>Haha, agreed. She is probably just extremely busy. Think of all the applicants Penn gets–she is probably swimming in emails. I think you’re fine. :)</p>

<p>why were you spamming your admissions director? I doubt it can make or break you but it’s a bit inconsiderate to send that many emails to your regional admissions director in a busy time of year.</p>



<p>You’re crazy.</p>