<p>why should I attend Dartmouth...</p>
<p>i'm making a pro/con list and i have a week to decide.</p>
<p>why should I attend Dartmouth...</p>
<p>i'm making a pro/con list and i have a week to decide.</p>
<p>Could you tell us a little more about yourself? What are you interested in? What are your personal/educational/professional goals? Did you already get in? (I’m also trying to figure out how you could possibly have only a week to decide.)</p>
<p>For my son it was about the incredible spirit of community, strong academics with profs that actually teach, the D Plan allowing for so many study abroad opportunities and internships, great job recruiting and the amazing outdoor opportunities including unlimited skiing/snow boarding.</p>
<p>These can either be pros or cons for you.</p>
<li>small college, tight-knit campus feel. BEAUTIFUL campus.</li>
<li>great professors who are there to teach </li>
<li>freshmen get the royal treatment</li>
<li>meet a lot of great/diverse/interesting people</li>
<li>lots of opportunities to be in the outdoors, or none if you don’t want to</li>
<li>Greek system is very defined and prominent</li>
<li>D-plan is flexible; you can take any 3 terms off, not just necessarily the summer but the winter or fall as well</li>
<li>food is good. I’ve heard there’s lots of organic stuff</li>
<li>bus ride away from Boston</li>
<li>lots of study abroad opportunities: LSAs (language study abroad) and FSPs (foreign study programs - for depts. like government, philosophy, etc.)</li>
<li>liberal arts education with a fulfilling undergraduate experience</li>
<p>nvm… i don’t have words right now to describe how I feel. The swim coach told me over the phone on Saturday that I would be given GUARANTEED admission. I wanted to check the school and swim program out first. They said I had a week to decide so I booked a flight to come out this Thursday. They called 30 MINUTES ago to tell me they made a mistake and wasn’t admissable. I’ve already paid for the $450 flight. I can’t speak. I’m going to practice.</p>
<p>Wow. That’s awful. I hope Dartmouth can at least refund you your ticket.</p>
<p>that is too sad; I guess sometimes Coaches get ahead of themselves?</p>
<p>in a word, that “sucks”.</p>
<p>keep your chin up.</p>
<p>what stroke?</p>
<p>Backstroke and mid-distance freestyle. I would be a breath of fresh air to the program.</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, what are your academic stats?</p>
<p>3.6 gpa cumulative with a 4.2 last semester with some challenging courses but also easy senior ones.
29 ACT and 1820 SAT. Definitely not strong but my ACT is my best academic feature. My class rank is what killed me with a 23%.
Apparently I had checked out in admissions office until my class rank.
The coach is extremely apologetic and is trying to run me through admissions one more time.
It will be a stressful night.</p>
<p>I’m sorry that you had to be strung along like this.</p>
<p>I was definitely figuring that the coach was a little irresponsible by making promises to you before checking with admissions.</p>
<p>It’s interesting that they objected to your class rank. I guess it is true that the stat you hear quoted a lot by universities nowadays is the % in the top decile.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>I was going to ask if they had given you a reason, at least.</p>
<p>The recruited athletes I know from around here–all runners–seem to have significantly higher stats. Maybe swimming is different…</p>
<p>In any case, too bad you were told you were in, then not. That’s hard to take. Good luck at D and elsewhere if it doesn’t work out. (Have you been talking to other coaches?)</p>
<p>yeah. two other coaches called on monday night wanting to bring me out on a recruit trip but of course I told them no since I was planning on going to d.</p>
<p>May I share your swimming stats,I also have interest to swim in college</p>
<p>Call back NOW! (I’m sure you already have…)</p>
<p>Officially rejected</p>
<p>Sorry to hear that. The coach did you a great disservice.</p>
<p>call the coaches who called you on Monday. stat.</p>
<p>I’m really sorry this happened to you and I think the college should pay you back for anything out of pocket.</p>
<p>That said, I’m shocked a swim coach thought he could push through someone ranking under 20% with a 29 ACT. As 19% of the class is recruited athletes, it makes me wonder what the overall standards are for the big sports.</p>
<p>My thoughts exactly, hmom.</p>