<p>The circle with 2 radii (length=1?) in the xy-coordinate plane. Two tangent lines intersect the origin and the places where the radii meet the circle’s outer edge. The solution was to draw a line from the origin to the circle’s center and use Pythagorean triangle.</p>
<p>Large square with several tiny shaded squares and rectangles and some unshaded squares.</p>
<p>There’s probably some more if you dig around in the math thread. I missed 1 of 4 hard algebra/function problems, so I might sift around there. I don’t remember making a calculation error (according to our thread’s answers) so I probably made a bubbling mistake or the scanner missed something!</p>
<p>^ I remember those but I think the answers were 6400 and something which I got right. Its just this one geometry problem. Cant seem to remember. Oh well.</p>
CR 640
M 800
W 780 (e11)
retest on sept… so sad…
essay topic: people believing in authorities too much
ex1 martin luther
ex2 galileo galilei
my fav. examples paid my e11. owell…:(</p>
<p>@12345tyuiop okay so I got a 2020 (CR 620, M 660, W 740) in the March SAT, which was my first time taking it. How did you improve from a 2070 to a 2340?!?!?! I’m really hoping for at least a 2200 by October 2012 SATs.</p>
<p>2150: 800 CR, 680 M, 670 W.
Really happy about CR, disappointed but not surprised at math, completely *** with writing…because it’s usually my best score. By a lot. -_- I only missed two MC questions, but my essay was only a 6. Probably will retake it in October. Sigh. I was pretty disappointed with writing. Sigh.</p>
<p>From what I can tell, the Critical Reading section would probably be counted as an ‘easier’ test (in the green section), the Math section as a ‘medium’ test (in the yellow section), and the Writing section as a ‘very easy’ test (to the very left of the green section).</p>