Telluride Association Summer Seminar 2022

haven’t seen a thread yet about this yet so I’m making one
do you know if it will be different this year? I saw on their website that they split the program into two seminars… not sure if it will be the same experience as the ones in previous years

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Yeah, I heard the same thing. It’s my first year applying to TASS, but basically, they got rid of TASP, and now it’s just TASS. But, there are 2 different programs, so I’m applying to the Anti-Oppressive Studies Seminar this year. I’m pretty sure it’ll be the same experience.

TASS 2022 applications were due yesterday! I was wondering if anyone else applied this year? Ill be honored if I even get an interview.

I applied for the AOS seminar and I am already nervous to hear back. This year the application was considerably shorter. What was once 6 1500 words essays is now 3 500 words essays. I can’t help but wonder how this will affect the selection of applicants because undoubtedly the essays are the most important aspects. Due to the dramatic cut down of the essays, you don’t get as much space to show them who you are. I have no reason to complain though as writing 3 essays is better than writing 6.

My daughter just submitted hers 5 mins before deadline time. We found out about TASS just the night before, so unfortunately, she submitted some very rough draft of her essays as she only had 5 hours to do a write up after getting home from school and other activities. She left out some awards/honors (maxed 250 word count) and didn’t have enough time to play around with editing and formatting. Hope it won’t affect her application too much. We don’t have very high expectations since I’ve read admission is highly selective. Good luck to you all!

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I applied to TASS AOS too!
we usually get notified of results in mid march, so we have to wait a while…
is anyone applying as as international but living in the US?

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I also applied to tass AOS but I wasn’t able to give all that needed to be given (if that makes sense) in the eassys

anyone apply to tass cbs like i did?

I’m wondering if more people applied to AOS or CBS? Personally I also applied to AOS… and I’m also wondering if people took… more creative liberties with the essays - like for the third prompt, since it was very hypothetical?

i think more people applied to AOS, because if you look at the application number, it’s in the order of ppl who opened it. i ended up re-opening an application for both AOS and CBS on the last day lmao, and AOS had like 2000 opened applications, and CBS had 600 or so. that being said, these are only opened applications, not submitted ones, but i still think that more ppl applied to AOS. as for the creative liberties, i kind of explained the situation/my response and harkened it back to some personal issues that i have faced for the third essay. what did you do?

for the third essay, I respond empathically to Marcus’s situation, talking about recent racial tensions and how it can be difficult to navigate life in America’s current social climate. But do you guys think you hit the social, political, etc theme that they wanted us to talk about in the essays? Because I read the blurb about it while submitting, I think my essays only vaguely talked about it.

If there were more applications to AOS, that means its going to be more competitive… yikes.
And for the third essay, I ended up writing my response as a letter to Marcus that empathized with him as a racial minority in America. I’m hoping that’s not too unconventional.
For me, I read elsewhere that TASS looks at how you address contribution, diversity, and anti-oppression or activism in your essays (which can be translated to social and political themes), so that’s what I focused on in mine.

i wanted to stay clear of discussing some political & social things, and rather focused on empathy and being understanding of others’ situations. i didn’t want to include too much political and social discussion, as sometimes that can come across as widening the problem too much when you’re just discussing solving a problem between friends, however, it will probably work either way. i did include information on microaggressions, which can be considered an acknowledgement of social issues today i guess, but i wanted to keep it within the context of the prompt as well rather than blowing it up to something that’s really big, because while i could talk about the criminal justice system’s inherent racism or something on that vein, i am not the criminal justice system, so not only would that be difficult to apply, but even if i discussed anything CRT-related, i would have to harken that back to me, which i did in a very minor way, but like, not explicitly.

tldr: i wanted to keep it within the friendship zone rather than the world stage lol

ofc if u did something social political related, i’m sure that would work fine as well. i discussed social and political issues in my other two essays so i thought i’d be fine here with this

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Just curious, what book/film/work did you choose for the second essay?

in previous tasp years you actually had to rank the seminars in the order that you preferred. i’ve heard that a lot of people didn’t get their first choice and the admission people selected what would best fit them. idk if that’s how it’ll be like this year considering how different it is

It looks like for sophomores there’s only one seminar per program. And for juniors theres 2 each. I’m not sure how that’s going to work though…

Wait…what? Where did you get that info?

I checked in the TASS website. If you go to each program, on the left, there is a tab that says “TASS AOS/CBS Programs” and next to each program, they bracketed “sophomore” or “junior”. I’m not sure if this is final, but that’s where I found the info. Here’s the link (for AOS):

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wow, 2000 that’s a lot…its also worrying cuz I think its gonna be pretty competitive compared to CBS

keep in mind that many applicants gave up or created duplicate applications

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Does anyone know how we will be notified about the decision? Is it through email?