Temporary housing??

My daughter was selected for temporary housing today. Any experience being in temporary housing? How long it takes to get the permanent dorm?

Someone that works in Housing posted on Aggie Parents FB page today, and said all Temp Housing students are now eligible to pick any open bed on campus.

Thank you, I will check it out.

This won’t be helpful @aggieland1 but I was in temp housing back in 89, lol. It took one week after I moved in to get a real room. When in temp housing I was the 3rd person in a room at the Commons… tight quarters, but doable… then I was moved to modulars. Nowadays, I don’t think many get put in a 3 person room but in a study carol with other temp students… they do try to move them out quickly. Hopefully like @52AG82 stated, it’s already open!!! Good luck and remember, it’s just a bump in the road.

Lots of rooms opened up today-they were just posted on Aggie Parents FB page!

Whoop! More rooms opened and now we can “Swap it”