<p>nope, not in person. we don't just talk online, though, i mean, he does call me</p>
<p>The internet is quite a tease, isn't it?</p>
<p>huh? i dont get it...</p>
<p>That sometimes you meet great people but can't MEET them. The internet makes it nice to be able to talk to them at all but that's all it gives you sometimes.</p>
<p>o yea, i guess, i guess i wouldnt really kno, lol , no CC b/f for me, haha</p>
<p>NO WAY - becky, my guy is from NC too! blane, actually. who's yours? i'm gonna kill him if he's seducing you too. ;) i'm totally uncomfortable with the whole meeting on the internet thing... i dunno. hopefully we'll meet up soon, since he's like the coolest guy ever.</p>
<p>HAHA just kidding. displacedny? cool!
Also, haven't worked out the details completely yet, but I think i'm going to make it t the concert! I'll be the blonde one with the short hair and the red sneakers.
i'm assuming you'll be the one singing? ;)</p>
<p>"i'm totally uncomfortable with the whole meeting on the internet thing... i dunno. hopefully we'll meet up soon, since he's like the coolest guy ever."</p>
<p>Did you mean "comfortable"? Or you'd meet up with him despite being uncomfortable ususally.</p>
<p>lol I didn't know so many people had CC boyfriends! haha I don't feel so sad now when people ask "how did you guys meet" But wait til I tell the story of which thread we met on oyy...</p>
<p>lol, thats weird, so what thread did u meet on??</p>
<p>It was in the summer on the old board.
He made a thread about asian fetishes, and I was like "oh i think it's sick" lol...
wow it's kind of embarassing if you read it:
<a href="http://www.collegeconfidential.com/discus/messages/68281/76827.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegeconfidential.com/discus/messages/68281/76827.html</a></p>
<p>which thread???
i dunno, bill just AIMed me on a whim one day.
i'm UNCOMFORTABLE with the idea of falling in love on the internet, I'm completely comfortable with the idea of meeting him in person. yeah, we've talked on the phone and stuff, as well.</p>
<p>Yea we "talked" on the thread and then he IMed me and we talked all summer. Before I was uncomfortable with talking/meeting/loving people online too, but now I do all three lol. There are still a lot of annoying/creepy people that I block but my relationship is pretty serious (otherwise I wouldn't do the long distance thing).</p>
<p>I still say dark features are hot</p>
<p>lol thanks for sharing, waht does dark features mean, is it jsut like darker skin?</p>
<p>the link i posted was the thread...do you not see it?</p>
<p>lol dark features as in long dark (straight) hair and dark eyes</p>
<p>not necessarily. Dark hair, dark eyes, thin frame, nice smile... it's just all so ahhhh</p>
<p>*long dark hair that is! long is important</p>
<p>lol but people could be pale and have dark features, then ppl say they look dead, i dont kno when i hear dark features i think dark skin, i dunno y thats just what it seems like to me</p>
<p>Well dark skin can work too. I know some Indian girls that are pretty attractive</p>
<p>I don't think Asians look dead...perhaps really pale white people would look deadish with really dark features...</p>