Tennis Recruiting

<p>I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could share their experiences and advice concerning tennis recruiting. My child is a junior in high school and a nationally ranked player. Please feel free to PM me if you would feel more comfortable going that route. Thank you.</p>

<p>Hi balletfan,
Our son plays on a top 30 dIII team at an LAC in CA. He was not highly ranked so he really had to sell himself. After he determined which schools he was interested in for academics and other non-tennis factors, he then looked at the team’s rosters from the current and previous years to determine how many position players would be graduating his year. This eliminated some schools immediately. We also used the site to see where players of similar ability from our region were going. He had contacted the few coaches whose programs he felt he might fit before spring break of his junior year. He sent each one an academic and tennis resume plus a dvd showing his strokes and some singles and doubles point play. He visited his safeties and the schools within driving distance by the end of his junior year. He saved his top three for early in his senior year.
He learned a ton about the teams by observing practice, eating dinner with the team, spending an overnight with a team member, and corresponding with the coach. The coaches had extremely varied admissions influence. NESCAC and Ivy League are very structured so hopefully someone from those leagues can give you more specifics.
Good luck.</p>

<p>A lot of can be learned from various posts in this forum:
[College</a> Tennis Talk - Talk Tennis](<a href=“]College”>
There is even a thesis on the subject:
[College</a> Tennis: Getting a Scholarship - part 1 - Talk Tennis](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>I read “the NCAA allows each division 1 men’s tennis program 4.5 scholarships”- Does a DIV I sports team HAVE to give out the equivalent of 4.5 scholarships for tennis? Can they decide not to give the scholarship money to tennis and say use it for soccer or lax?</p>