<p>Is there a large amount of racial tension at UNC? I moved to a small town called Morganton, and I was very surprised at how many racist,sexist and all-around ignorant people I encountered. I've heard that even though UNC is a southern school, it has many "northern" university qualities (diversity, racial tolerance, etc). How tolerant are the majority of the students at UNC?</p>
<p>for a southern university UNC has a pretty liberal campus, where conservatives are the minority.</p>
<p>I feel we have a pretty tolerant majority here</p>
<p>Anybody else???</p>
<p>In the 60's UNC was referred to as the "Berkeley of the South", a complimentary label, not a derogatory one. There is as much tolerance and diversity there as can be found on any campus in the country. There are small towns and small people in every state so don't judge on that basis.</p>
<p>Cool. Thank you both for your comments. I just didn't want to end up at a place where I would feel awkward... Like the high school on the other side of my town.</p>
<p>I have heard from many friends who live in the state (NC) that racism is alive and well. However, UNC itself, is well known for its liberal and tolerant atmosphere. I would not say that UNC is incredibly diverse in its student body. Non-whites definitely stand out, and are obviously few. But everyone we met seemed very friendly.</p>
<p>Ohhh yes. Saying that racism is alive and well would be an understatement when your talking about North Carolina. I actually live in NC, I just was wondering about the Chapel-Hill campus itself. You can't escape ignorance no matter where you go. Here in the town that I live in, the racist people usually target hispanics and people from the middle east. Racism is alive and well everywhere. Some places just have people who are better at hiding their prejudices than others. It really doesn't bother me much anymore, but I don't want to go to a college where idiots are running rampant. </p>
<p>Where are you from chocoholic? </p>
<p>I heard something about a black-face incident at UNC.... does anyone know anything about that???? Did some people just overreact or was it an actual problem??</p>