<p>Well, I hope a few of CC members could shed me some idea on my situation. I took GRE computer based test two months ago, planning to apply for next year 2011 fall intake. I was miserably downhearted after knowing my AWA was 3. My verbal and quant are 700 and 790 respectively. I have taken GRE biochem as well. </p>
<p>I used to write and enjoy reading. I wrote a short article for a magazine. I also won a regional essay competition. Since I'm currently working, it's too taxing for me to retake the test. </p>
<p>Any idea if my essay would compensate for my abysmal AWA score? </p>
<p>If you retake, remember that the AW score does not reflect writing ability as much as it does the ability to verbalize analytical thinking. You must recognize and convey the nuances of the prompt while still taking a definite stance. If you use analogies, they must be more than window-dressing; they must help advance the argument in ways that statements cannot. I suggest that you carefully read the examples on the ETS site and in practice books to determine exactly what elevates an essay from a 3 to a 5.</p>
<p>Momwaitingfornew, thanks a lot for your suggestion, I will look in depth the way ETS wants to see the structure in essays. As I’m an international students, I need to take TOEFL as well. </p>
<p>Sometimes retaking does not help with the AWA scores even though you could be an excellent writer. But, yes, look at what the ETS expects and see if you can improve it. </p>
<p>My son had excellent Q and V scores and a 5 AWA. He is a Humanities applicant. He thought he could improve but did not. He still got a 5. :(</p>
<p>For BioChem, I am not sure that the AWA helps or hinders at all.</p>
<p>hi achat, your son AWA 5 was a good score even in the first attempt whereas mine was terrible. Anyway it’s good to know the situation as well. Thanks</p>