Terry Transfer Scholarship

Does anyone know when students are typically notified if they have been nominated for an interview?

I am Wondering the same I applied at another university, but our application had alot of problems they had to make a new one.

I am not sure of the transfer scholarship but I know with the incoming freshman scholarship, the financial page had a notification of there that he was in consideration for the Terry Scholarship, he received an interview. That stayed on there until a week after he received his “I’m sorry” letter.

@danieldlg Yeah UT’s application had this problem where it populated all the fields in a section with input from one field.

@3boysmom92 ah! the infamous “im sorry” letter. I had a couple of those this semester. They’re never fun to read

@AIStephen well that makes me fell better that another school had that problem. I applyed for it at UTSA and i ran in to that problem i was troubleshooting it and trying to make the application work for three months but could not get it to work. I had many conversations with the person in charge i hope it did not lower my chances.

@danieldlg Nah you’ll be fine. My friend did the same thing and they sent him a new pdf file to use

@AlStephen Thanks, DS has received a few of those, but that was a tough one for him (and us).

@AIStephen if you dont mind me asking what were your stats like?

@danieldlg Let me know if I missed anything:
Major: Computer Science
GPA: 3.97
Did a bit of community service here and there through Phi theta Kappa
Participated in a few math and programming competitions also
Not a lot of leadership though, I was briefly vice president of our Math Club at the community college I attended, and I mentored kids through a program called Learning Power

@danieldlg how about yours?

A.A.S computer maintenance
GPA: 3.5
most of mine were a few high school programs and the computer club in college. I was treasurer one year.
catechist at my church for a few years.
most of my time was spent taking care of my dad and grandmothers hopefully that looks good to them.

@AIStephen yours looks alot better.

@danieldlg You probably have more hours put in than I did. Most of the stuff I have on there is for like one semester or less. And you can actually get a decent job while in college with your associates degree mines just AS.
Oh and btw I emailed the folks at the Terry Foundation last week and they told me they were expecting Nominations by May 22.

@AIStephen I meant major: Cyber security but that cool good luck hope you get it.

@danieldg Oh lol sorry. Hope we both get it.

@AIStephen What is there to be sorry about? Anyways have you got anything yet? I have not.

@danieldg Still nothing. i’ll email or call the foundation folks to see whats up

@danieldg I emailed them, and they said I was ranked “5th Alternate” for the UT Austin Terry candidate interviews. Pretty much if someone cancels, they select an alternate to interview based on the timing and proximity to the interview location. So…yep, no scholarship for me lol

Hey guys, I am going to UH this fall and i got the email to interview, did anyone else get it as well?