<p>Well my test center is like really really far away from my house it would be like a 30-45 minute drive using the freeway. Theres no way im going to go all the way over there. And Sat subject test is on November 1 about 4 days away. I heard taht u can print ur admission ticket and go to a school and pay the fee. If theres any available room they'll let u take the test. Also if that doesnt work out and I just dont show up to the test day what will happen? Do i get 0 on sat subjects or can i just rescheldule it on December 6 subject test. Also do uc schools accept december 6 subject scores. Please answer immediatley.</p>
<p>I know if you don't show up, nothing happens. My son did that last spring, and it didn't show up on a score report. But you can't reschedule, you have to pay again.</p>
<p>You can call the school and see if there is any space left, if you get the right person, they will know. Try the guidance department of that school. My son's guidance counselor was proctoring the Oct test and she told on the Wednesday before the test that they did have extra booklets and room for walk - ins.</p>
<p>A couple of years ago when D was going through all this SAT stuff, she took the Nov. test as a walk-in at our local HS. She showed up early, forms and check in hand, and told the administrators she wanted to take the test. She had to wait until everyone else had checked in, but they did have extra test booklets, so it worked out fine. Certainly worth a try.</p>
<p>I'm not sure if it is too late, but you actually can make changes for a fee. I just changed my son's SAT II test which was scheduled for Saturday to an SAT I on December 6 because it turned out that he actually didn't need the subject test. They charged me $22.00 for making the change. There is a phone number you can call. You just can't do it online this late in the game. Give it a shot!</p>
<p>There is a $22 charge for changing test locations (SAT</a> Fees) and as someone with a registered ticket (even to a different test center), you have priority over students who show up on stand-by. </p>
<p>If you were not assigned a test center that you had chosen as your 1st or 2nd choice, than it was probably because they were already full. Definitely call ahead to that test center to see if they will have space, should you decide to switch.</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>