Can you AP out of some of the required econ classes at SFS, and if so, how many and which scores would you need? One other question re econ: if you want to get out of a required econ lecture into a smaller, more advanced seminar, how hard is it to get profs to let you in? (i.e. are they more generally bureaucratic sticklers for prereqs, or willing to listen to your argument?)
You can receive credit for Intro to Microeconomics and Intro to Macroeconomics with 5s on those respective tests. The SFS core requires two more classes, International Finance and International Trade, which you can’t test out of.
As for “smaller, advanced seminars”–they don’t really exist, save for ECON-003, which is just Intro to Micro and Macro condensed into a single semester.
Smallest econ classes are 400-level (and maybe some IPEC or IECO courses in the SFS), which are capped at 40, and you won’t be able to talk your way into them if you don’t meet the pre-reqs, which generally consist of intermediate Micro and/or Macro, and sometimes Econometrics, which itself has a pre-req of Economic Statistics.
If you want to see what classes are being offered, what their sizes are, and what the prerequisites are, you can browse the course schedule here:
Many thanks, rkw0211! The links are helpful, as well as the info not publicized in them.