TestMaters Solution for Californians

<p>I will be ordering a copy of the TestMaters explanations book for one person on this forum and I was wondering if anyone else would like to buy a copy. ** This is NOT the book that comes with the class; it is the one that explains the answers to the Blue Book questions. ** The books would be shipped to my house and I would then send them on to you. By ordering more copies at once, we could get a reduced rate on shipping. I want to be perfectly clear that I won't be "scalping" these books; anyone who wants one will pay only for the book and shipping costs. The cost should be somewhere around $20. I can assure you that this is not a scam, but I can't think of any way to offer proof. (If you can think of a way, please let me know.) However, I wouldn't ask anyone to send me any money until I actually had the books and they were ready to send. If you think this is a bad idea and don't want to take part, please don't flame me. I am doing this because I know what it is like to be at a disadvantage simply because of where you live. If you are interested, either post here or PM me. Thanks.</p>

<p>I actually have already placed an order with amazon.com but that seems to be a little flakey. If that falls through, will your offer still stand later? I don't mind if I have to pay the full cost of everything.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Sure! I just decided to post the announcement now because of the possibility of reduced shipping. I can order if for you at any time if your current order falls through.</p>