Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

Thank you so much for always taking the time to help!


@Klewis23 it takes a village
an Aggie Parent Village :+1:t3::smile:
I think this is the best Parent Page (Aggie Parents page are total helicopter parents, lots of drama and it is open to PSA and Blinn parents). What’s your students major? I’ll see if it has a major specific page.

To join, must answer ALL questions-

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I joined that page and it is great. He was a straight Blinn Team admit in mid January (we were super grateful). Biology or kinesiology is what he hopes to transfer to. Wants to go to PT school :slight_smile:

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Assume you joined Blinn TEAM Moms & Dads page also? That’ll be a huge resource.

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delete. issue resolved

hello! i’m an admitted student for tamu (biomedical engineering major). i originally applied for biochem but had a change of heart and switched to engineering. however, i applied to the university honors program beforehand and recently got accepted into that as well. but now, i’m confused as to whether i should accept university honors and roll with it or apply to the specific engineering honors program at some point in my freshman year at tamu, since i missed the deadline for it. can someone tell me the difference between both honors programs, and the pros and cons for both? thank you so much!

@hershey18 UH (university honors) requires living in honors dorms (Lechner & McFadden). You can’t select your room or roommate. Some do like UH, most seem to ditch it after freshman year
it’s a quirky program.
No need-that I see-to do both UH and major specific honors. Hands down, major specific honors programs are more popular, well respected.
You could always start out in UH, apply to Eng Honors, and if you get in, drop UH at the end of the year.
All honors programs at A&M get early class registration
which is HUGE! Worth it alone, just for that.

thank you so much for the quick response! yes the uh program did seem kind of weird to me
 the only reason why i applied was because i was a biochem major at the time. but the benefits seem great!
if i accept the uh program now, would the early registration benefit apply during the nsc when i pick my classes? and would it give me a bigger chance of being accepted into engineering honors once i’ve done a semester at tamu?

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@hershey18 all freshman register during NSC, regardless of Honors status. Every NSC session opens up new class seats-to be fair. Accepting UH means once you’re a current student, you’ll get to register early for the next semester; doesn’t have any bearing on NSC.
I can’t say for certain, but I don’t think being in UH would have any ‘leg up’ for getting into Engineering Honors. My Aggie is Business Honors, so I don’t know the full details of EngHnr program. They should have details listed somewhere about when to apply again. For BusHnr, there is only one other time to apply and get accepted-so that’s the type of information you’re looking for.
Just make sure you know if you accept UH, you’re bound to live in McFadden or Lechner. If you accept, then decide in a month you don’t want UH afterall, you’ll lose your place in Housing queue
and go to the back of the dorm selection line.

When does NSC open up for Fall 23 class? Is it first come first serve basis? I would assume it is prudent to sign up for NSC sooner it opens up, so we can select the courses we want? Is that how it works?

@Collegemichmatt NSC registration has been open for months, some sessions are probably full.
Except for the August session, all NSC sessions are fair-same number of seats are opened for classes.
The first NSC guarantees to have glitches and not run as smoothly-I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone. Definitely wait and schedule NSC after graduation/prom/Project Grad etc. Student needs to be fully graduated, done with high school.
We purposely scheduled mid July NSC, due to our summer schedule. My Aggie registered in under 2 minutes, getting every class she wanted.
You’ll want to make hotel resv for 2 nights. Your student needs to schedule NSC this week, before most sessions are full. And make note that not every major is offered at every NSC-she needs to select an NSC that offers Mays.

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this information is very helpful. i guess i’ll have to decide whether i want to commit to uh for a year then or if it’s not worth it for me. thanks again!

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thank you @52AG82 . Once we sign up for NSC, does that bind us to the college? I am certain I am going to Mays school about 95%, but still awaiting decisions from some out of state colleges. If I sign up for NSC now, am I committing to them at 100%?

@Collegemichmatt yes & no. Registering for NSC is considered ‘accepting’ A&M. But
it’s not binding for you. You’ll be out the fee for NSC registration, but you aren’t committed to attend, should you decide to go elsewhere.
Does that help?


Yes it does - thank you so much.

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Do all incoming freshman have to take the foreign language placement test? It is showing as a checklist item but it says if applicable.


@Klewis23 depends on the major.
Mays does not have to take it, I know.

All incoming freshman have to take Math Placement Exam tho (MPE).

He is on blinn Team and is looking to transfer in to biology or kinesiology :slight_smile:

@Klewis23 scroll down to Foreign Language Placement Exam


hi, i have another question! i’ve been thinking about what to do regarding this, and i was wondering about early course registration. i don’t like the idea of not being able to choose my roommate for university honors, so i just wanted to know: is registration for classes really that cutthroat? if i don’t go the uh route, will registering for honors courses, say, be impossible be the spring semester of my freshman year? sorry, just thinking ahead:)