Texas A&M admitted students for the Class of 2027

I can’t figure out how to find a building floor plan. I heard the rooms on the south side of Hass are bigger than the north side. Anyone know how to find building layouts?

Only Hullabaloo and White Creek have elevators.
Single rooms could be gone by day 4, need to have many back up options. As long as student grabs a bed, they can always go back in daily to try & switch…and rooms will become available (but student has to be FAST).
You really, really need to be on Aggie Moms/Dads of Current Student FB page. There will be a dedicated post on dorms-what’s open for the next day, when they see rooms open up, etc.


@TamuDad15 for security reasons, you won’t find a true building map. If you go to ResLife website, each dorm gives room dimensions. You can figure out that way.
Have you joined FB Aggie Mom/Dad’s page? If not, you are missing out-that’s where you need to be asking these questions. You can use the :mag: tool and search which Modulars have the larger sizes.

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Only hullabaloo and white creek have elevators. Fortunately my daughter got a 1st floor room. My daughter had day 1 first time slot and still had backups. Always have a backup plan. But there were rooms in DG available for days. I don’t remember how long but for awhile. Odds are good but have a backup plan!


Thank you

Is anybody’s kid still looking for roommates or housing? My daughter is looking for other young women who are first-years at the College of Engineering, but she is searching pretty late in the game. We will probably put her in one of the Northgate complexes that are a few minutes’ walk from Zachry.

If you are doing a suite and don’t have a 4th roommate, is it possible the 4th bed will be empty?

@shruti1 highly doubtful, as there’s a long Wait List. All beds will most likely be filled.

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Thanks! Also, do you know if Kreuger only has 4-person suites or are there other options in Kreuger?

@shruti1 ResLife website provides all details!
Krueger is a Common Dorm; all 4 Commons dorms are the same.
No ‘suites’, double rooms that share a common bathroom in the middle.


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What modular halls are generally preferred both on the north and south sides? My daughter is looking to share a room with another student. What options are recommended?

Northside Modulars will be full-open double rooms-by day 3 or 4 (maybe sooner) of dorm selection. Southside Modulars won’t fill as quickly, but finding any open rooms for 2 will be tough, if they don’t have an early selection time.
All Modulars are the exact same dorms-no elevators, large rooms (most have one side of the hall bigger than the other), incredibly ugly exterior, but popular with many (due to size).

Be sure you have joined Aggie Moms/Dads of Current Students FB page. You can get dorm scuttlebutt there, parents can log in the night before your selection time and tell you which dorms have rooms open.

Have you joined Aggie Moms/Dads of Mays page? Super helpful, informative, about all things Mays.

Thank you @52AG82 . Do you know what date does room selection open? My daughter got 9th of May as the date - around noon CT time. Wonder what her chances are of finding a room in Hullabooloo or any of the north side modular?

May 9th is the 3rd day, three time slots per day.
Hullabaloo open room for 2 next-to-none, perhaps an open room for 2 in a Northside Modular.
This is all based on the past 3-4 years. Trends could change, but unless student has 1st day, or 1st time slot 2nd day…they need to have multiple options, be very prepared!

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Which tuition rate code is better? Locked or Variable? Can someone explain the difference of the two?

A single person will take that bed.

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This is a hot topic. The fixed is supposed to be an average. While the variable increases each year. Well they didn’t raise tuition this year or last year. So those of us who chose fixed are not happy. We paid more the first year because it was supposed to balance out as the variable increased each year so by the last year or two we are paying less. Total amount should be comparable but easier to budget with fixed. Anyway since they haven’t increased tuition looks like variable will pay less overall and fixed will pay more overall. For class of 2026 anyway. They will have to increase tuition again eventually and it may go back to regular annual increases again like it was before . It’s a gamble. You don’t know how it will actually play out until it does and you can’t change it. Here is the link to A&M’s official explanation.

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@anon2034821 if you have TX Tomorrow Fund or TGTP, you can only select ‘Fixed’.
Great explanation by @martinezcs. It’s a crap shoot which to select, and something you & your parents need to decide-no one correct answer.

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Does anyone know what the three time slots are for dorm selection? I’ve seen 12:30 PM and 4:30 PM, but not sure of the third.

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@MMMAg my Aggie is graduating, so I haven’t kept up with dorm selection too closely.
Great question to ask on Aggie Moms/Dads of Current Students page

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