Texas A&M Application

<p>Hello, I was applying to Texas A&M on applytexas a few days ago and I ran into a few questions that are still bothering me.</p>

<p>One of them asked me to add up all the college credit I have so far. I passed my AP US History exam and I expect to pass my AB Calculus and Physics exams as well. I'm also taking Dual Credit Government and English(Which I'm also expecting to pass), so how many credit hours should I put down?</p>

<p>The other question asked me to list all the scholarships and grants that I'm going to receive and include the amounts. I know about three in A&M that I qualify for, so should I include those? And should I also include the Pell grant, which I know I will receive, although I don't know how much I'll get? Or is this question only for the scholarships that are already won?</p>

<p>I'm in a big hurry to apply soon because I know engineering majors fill up quick, so please help! Thanks!
PS If i could hear what some of the people that already applied put down for these questions, that'd be great.</p>

<p>Since you’ve only done History so far, put down 3 credit hours.</p>

<p>Hold on - Check the following page:</p>

<p><a href=“http://mars.tamu.edu/testingsite/PDFfiles/AP.PDF[/url]”>http://mars.tamu.edu/testingsite/PDFfiles/AP.PDF&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>When you say you “passed” the AP exam, what do you mean? What was your score.</p>

<p>A 4 is required for credit. If you made a 4, that’s SIX college hours, HIST 105, 106.</p>

<p>This page should also help you determine how much college credit is likely TO BE EXPECTED for the classes you have yet to complete.</p>

<p>Look at operative words such as “college credit so far” vs. “college credit expected”, etc. to help you know how to answer the questions.</p>

<p>And it depends on how your dual program works as to how much credit you will receive IN THE FUTURE for government and English. Check and see what the course equivalents are between your high school and your participating junior college. Then see if those junior college courses transfer to A&M, and how.</p>

<p>Call admissions for help with how to fill out the portion on scholarships and grants.</p>

<p>If the wording asks for “scholarships and grants you will receive” - I would list only those that I KNOW I will receive. Just answer the questions as they are asked. But if you’re in doubt, call admissions.</p>

<p>Ah I see. Thanks so much, this was extremely helpful!</p>