Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Just want to be clear to all wanting Mays as first choice major. There is absolutely no second review for your major. There are no hurdles. No course requirements. No exam scores. No gpa. No nothing. If there is space in Mays when admission accepts your application, then you are put into Mays.

The Only major that has to be qualified for acceptance is Engineering. You get admitted to Tamu and then go through another review. There they will look at course rigor. Strength in math and physics etc to determine if you get full admission/Teab/Galveston etc. it is not a slam dunk even if auto admit.

To whoever asked about changing major… If you’re top 10 then call and change now. If you’re not then hold out for engineering.


The formal banner is awesome but I think they are wanting the “whoop you’ve been admitted” in AIS and Howdy for official word. AND for housing portal to open up!


Yes that’s what I meant! I have the 7 tabs, all the check marks, I’m just waiting on the official word in howdy portal and the AIS so I can get a jump on the housing portal. And the formal banner is pretty cool too. :joy:

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Anyone that follows this page will have a jump on housing I can assure you. Most students don’t even know they have been accepted yet, much less when housing opens. :+1:


Still no updated admission status, but the housing landing page has changed. Today when we tried to login to the housing portal, the landing page from Howdy’s “apply for housing” link goes to a living learning community page. Browing around the housing website shows that it has been updated since the last time we looked…yesterday.

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Has anybody received the 7 tabs who are not in top 10% yet? My D23 has applied for Mays, is just outside 10%, 1500 SAT, 17+ APs and good overall resume - awaiting results!!

no…at least a month or two yet from what I am hearing.

Next round or I should say first round of non autos should hear early to mid October. You guys should be in that group for sure.


FYI: Corps just announced that acceptances are expected to start next week.


Just saw a note that housing application is open.

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Hmm—still getting error message. Anyone able to log into housing? Seems strange it would open after hours.

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Getting a log in error as well


To clarify what was actually said, most admissions haven’t happened yet it won’t be until next week when housing gets the next batch from admissions. You’ll get an error message until then. Current students can get in fine.

Aggie Parents
Howdy! Housing applications for 2023-2024 are
open! However, if you have an incoming student and
you are getting an error, that would be because the
information from admissions has not contained
your student yet. They send that information twice a
week. If you get an error, try on Wednesday, Sept 21
Current residents should be good to go.

Source: Res Life Coordinator

I do not have an incoming student - just passing the information.


Has anyone had issues filling out the SRAR with data from more than one high school? My two waited (and waited and waited) to get a class rank. They finally got the information they needed tonight and tried to submit their SRAR right after, but to everyone’s frustration received an error right after attempting to submit it. Ack.

Background: They attended two high schools: one for two years, and a second school for the last two years. A&M requests both high schools be listed in the SRAR. A&M’s explicit instructions are also that in the SRAR all four years should be entered under the latest high school, and this approach in fact matches with their transcripts–their transcripts from the latest high school include the classes from all four years.

This means that the first high school is listed in the system just as a way to hold time, for freshman and sophomore year. Unfortunately, the TAMU SRAR seems to find this confusing. And we are confused that the SRAR is confused.

We know we can change the enrollment years of the second, more recent high school to 2019-2023 and eliminate the first high school (2019-2021) from the system to push our academic data through the submission process, but this makes us quite nervous as it’s not correct.

My twins e-mailed a couple of admissions staff for advice this evening, but of course as this is a weekend (and there’s that game with Miami on Saturday, ha!) they’re not sure they’ll hear back anytime soon. Does anyone here have any wisdom to share about submitting a completed SRAR after attending multiple high schools?

Hopefully this note makes sense–it’s a little late!

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Yeah I’m getting an error message on the Housing Portal. Hopefully i’ll the “whoop! you’re admitted” in AIS next week as the Corps is saying.

I have a question. Son submitted his application and realized he listed his high school start date as Aug 2018 instead of Aug 2019. (in Common Ap). Any suggestions on what to do? Thank you in advance.

Contact AO via AIS. It should make much difference as SRAR will show the correct year.

Thank you!

My D23 qualified for NMSF. How do we share this information with A&M?
Tried to find an official document that can be shared on AiS but nothing on website. We do have the hard copy shared by school though. Should we upload that?

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