Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

Will they send an email about the Presidential Endowment?

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@Freshman19 not necessarily an email initially, but it’ll appear in your FinAid portal, usually February-ish (if you’re NM/SF). Tho we know a friend who found out in July (he was NM Commened, most likely someone that was offered PES either declined at the last minute or forgot to accept and was dropped). Wouldn’t count on PES, if not NM/SF or maybe Commended.
Check FinAid portal-that’s where all scholarships, awards, grants, financial aid, etc will show up. You have to ‘accept’ everything…and in a timely fashion.

They will send (look for email from Aggie One Stop), NMSF/NMS can also reach out to them at nationalscholar@tamu.edu.

Join their events Fall (NMD)/Spring (NSE)/Summer(NSI), students may get more award/opportunities.

Does A&M have a generous financial aid program? I’ve heard that barely anyone gets anything besides national merit scholar.

@pablazzz i don’t know anything about financial aid, but here’s a link that might be helpful.

You can also follow Aggie One Stop on FB (they have an active Instagram page, too)

My DD applied for housing (phase 1). She was not askied any preference anywhere in the app/process. Are we missing anything?

Phase 2 asks student to list/rank dorms. It is absolutely meaningless & pointless! Just list 3 and be done, don’t overthink it. It all boils down to the actual dorm selection time and what bed is available then.
However, if student lists an LLC during phase 2, they will most likely be bound to that, so think long & hard before listing any LLC.
I suggest joining one of the two main FB Parent Pages for A&M parents-you’ll learn everything you need to know & more. Many majors have their own parent pages, too.

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And hop over to the Admitted to A&M page

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For low to mid income yes .

Texas A&M University has provided tuition support since 2008, by pledging tuition coverage to low- and middle-income families through the Aggie Assurance commitment. For students whose family income is $60,000 or less, tuition will be covered by grants and/or scholarships.

Beginning in Fall 2021, we are expanding our Aggie Assurance commitment to provide tuition support grants for first-time freshmen and first-time transfer students whose family income is greater than $60,000 but no more than $130,000. The amount of the tuition support grants will vary based on income and financial need. Tuition grants will not cover all of tuition.


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We went to an admissions “rally” for A&M last weekend and the representative said that they look at everything else besides test scores first and that if they feel your scores would help then they take them into consideration. I also talked to a lady at the A&M testing center b/c we are considering sending daughter to A&M to take the residual ACT to see if she can raise her score at all. That person said if you do not submit scores and are then admitted you have to make sure you send them some kind of scores so they can determine your placement / readiness/ if you met the minimum standards for math and reading. I am just reporting what they said.

With that information, does that make you feel the residual ACT would be worth it? We’re debating it for D24 to give her an edge on A&M admission but she doesn’t have a terrible ACT score and if it’s the last thing they look at… :woman_shrugging:

I totally think the residual act score will increase from prior score plus show clear cut that you are really interested in Tamu.


Good points. (as always.) I know she’s my D24 but I have D23 and D24 back to back and can’t help but strategize D24’s admissions as I learn so much from D23’s journey (and they’re so different.) D24 wants to retake ACT in December so we have time to see if she improves but I like that ‘showing interest in A&M part’ which she definitely does have. Plus, she wants Viz (and she’s not top 10%) so she definitely needs any boost she can get.

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@LaFinalista , @martinezcs has a current Viz freshman. I think I recall seeing her post some stats for those accepted with her daughter. Might be helpful.

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They shared this at NSC. But it is for the whole college of arch not viz specifically and with the new school of performing, visualization, and fine arts this year (PVFA) , hard to say how that affects admissions. Also they just had a PVFA town hall and are making some big changes. For the better I think. More Details to come . They are increasing options to make it easier and more affordable for students to do the semester away requirement. They had very limited options before and they are adding options which takes a lot of pressure off students.


@martinezcs i knew you had some stats-thanks for sharing!
So glad your Aggie is loving Viz & TAMU!

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Thank you so much for that! I will definitely save it for later. Yes, my sources on campus suspect that the program might be expanded as well to have more spots, now that it’s been moved to the new college. I’ve been told that the Viz staff are very familiar with our small high school’s arts program (which D24 is very involved with) and we should leverage that… how, I don’t know and I’m trying not to think about it until the spring. Gotta help D24 have a successful junior year and help D23 get her college decisions made first… Having two back to back might send me to the loony bin…

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Realistically, is it too late to apply to Mays? In the info session, our person said to apply to Mays by Sept 10 if interested. Student changed direction after taking some business classes this fall and is now interested in business. He is also very interested in other majors, just don’t know if it is too late to put business first.

If auto may still be possible. Otherwise, kind of late because by the time everything green-checked in AIS it will likely be November.


@19college agree with @FriscoDad . Is your student auto admit? If not, more than likely probably too late.

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