Texas A&M Class of 2027 Official Thread

@FriscoDad i may be wrong here, but isn’t there a cap on hours students can have, to be offered Blinn TEAM? A student entering with 63 DC hours has too many hours for TEAM, don’t they?? Maybe I’m thinking of another program, but I vaguely recall an hours cap.

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Correct there’s a max. Having 60 credits will not be offered team.


Thank you, thought I was losing my mind, but vaguely remembered that.

In last few cycles, some still got Blinn offers as not all DC have TCCNS equivalence. (i.e. after converting DC transcript to TCCNS the students actually may have much lower number of hours) The design of Blinn Team is 45 Blinn and 15 TAMU hours, if applicants’ hours cover too many there will be nothing to take at Blinn and the correct application should be “transfer”.

Departments have different restrictions. For instance, Economics only accepts a short list of CC’s Math 1324.


She has 63 hours of DC so she cannot be offered team. They will not give up a spot on team for someone that it doesn’t make sense for. More than likely she’ll get full admit based on what she has (4.0 DC) will get her that in 63 hours even if only 50 go towards her degree, she will have nothing left to take.

And they will never apply as a transfer unless they take college credit post high school.

And where did you see that about Econ and math? That’s interesting. I learn something new every day.


Congrats! It’s a lot of work but my first year Aggie is enjoying the VIZ program. I was impressed that they are assigned an art desk in the freshman studio to use and get to store all their supplies and art work there so they don’t have to trek stuff back and forth. She is in several clubs that are major related and one of them (Siggraph) paired her with a mentor (a junior in the program). She is volunteering for Aggiecon and Chillenium two big events on campus and she is co-creating the flyers for the events. VIZ program is lab and project intensive and they spend all week in lecture and lab and then spend the weekend in the studio lab working on homework. We visited this past weekend and our daughter took us on a tour of the freshman studio and there were a dozen students working on their art on Sunday afternoon. They can swipe themselves into the building anytime after hours - evenings and weekends-before 10pm. The early days of the program were very competitive but now it is very collaborative. They have a discord to communicate with each other. They ask the students not to sleep in the studio as they were known to in the early days of the program. No dog beds under their art desks anymore. :grinning:


Thank you for the information!! He attended S.E.A.L. weekend before Thanksgiving. He was able to talk to the Viz advisor and we were also able to take a look at the building. He’s pretty excited!

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Looks like your housing questions has been answered, but yes, merit stuff is showing up on the financial tab in Howdy. My kiddo had an award pop up in there recently.

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Having a lot of DCs is common in rural area. Even worse many rural CC classes don’t have TAMU equivalance.
Son’s girlfriend attended 9-11.5 at rural (Pottsboro?). She had no AP and 65 DCs mostly History and Performance Arts. Transferring to Plano middle of 11th grade hurt her ranking and AIS assigned her 2nd quarter. She got Blinn Team Biology last year with 23 hours transferred and now fully enrolled as Biology major at TAMU.


“65 DCs mostly History and Performance Arts”. Ouch. I’m surprised the high school let them do that! My daughter did 30 dual credits at a regular high school in the suburbs and they were core courses and all transferred well and are applied to her degree plan. Her AP courses on the other hand are not being applied to her degree plan, she sent them but is not accepting them. Calc she got a 3 but she needs a 4 or 5 to count for Calc I at A&M. Physics she only got a 2. So that doesn’t count. The other AP courses she got 5’s on but they are classes that aren’t on her degree plan so they don’t count. My son is at a Collegiate Academy in the same district (Keller) so he will earn the Associate of Science degree and be core complete. He will also earn two certifications in the process (patient care technician and certified nursing assistant). His are all tuition free too! Unlike my daughter’s dual credit and AP that we had to pay for. DC can be great if used for core courses, an Associate’s degree, or to earn certifications.

Not surprised some rural ISDs have no AP and definitely forget about IB and students had to take whatever “offered” in nearby CCs. In those areas, the decision is between homeschool or DCs. I wonder if @FriscoDad has the data how many such HS in Texas I bet a few hundreds.

Glad to hear that worked out for her. 65 to 23 is insane and sad but worked in her favor.

It’s also kind of insane that kids in some districts can get two years of college credit while attending high school while my kids only had AP classes to take. The state wants students to have as many DC credits as possible so they’re more likely to graduate college. However TAMS still seems special because you’re actually enrolling at UNT.

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AP classes actually cost a lot more for both public and private high school. Some private high school even limit the number of AP student can take. Competitive and cash-rich public high schools encourage students take as many AP and IB.
USNews high school ranking largely base on AP/IB results, plus percentage of students taking AP classes that actually take the college board AP tests.
TAMS is as prestigious as TAG, SEM and St Mark. These schools have special application reviews from colleges in US.


Just heard on business honors acceptance. Came in the mail about a month and a half after I applied. Good luck to all!


@cowboysfan212 congrats! It’s a fabulous program! Could you share your stats, for those that are waiting to hear.

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My daughter’s Howdy Page just changed to 7 Tabs. She applied to Public Health (Nursing) in mid September.


That’s awesome. Congrats!!!

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@Res_Judicata congrats!! That’s awesome! Watch for the Housing portal to open (if she wants to live on campus), so she can pay non-refundable $75 deposit asap. Dorm selection is based on time stamp Housing deposit is paid.
I’m sure you probably know, but just in case, A&M Nursing School is not direct admit, and it’s extremely competitive; it requires a separate application & admission after prerequisites are completed. It’s always good to know what you’re facing.


Thank you. Yes. She has applied to UT Nursing as well which is also crazy competitive. UT is direct admit. She had to write six essays for that application. Both schools have fantastic nursing programs. Excited to see how it all shakes out. Once the seven tabs appear on Howdy how long before you receive official application results?

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