Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

Junior year is fast approaching for the hopeful TAMU Class of 2028!

Post your questions, thoughts, answers, info, and anything else to help this new crop of applicants, whether you’re the applicant, parent, or earlier class of Aggies!



Howdy! I’m so grateful for the help I got in the Class of '27 thread this year with my D23 and next up is D24… which will be a totally new experience because she’ll be holistic and not top 10%. Hope I can help others out too…


Howdy! We’re also in this Fightin’ Texas Aggie boat. Same song, different verse. Younger son is looking at his first choice of Engineering and second possibly Food Science, assuming two engineering choices is not the best idea. :+1:

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Correct. Don’t do 2 engineering’s. You’ll only get accepted as general so if there’s another major that resonates, then choose another field as 2nd choice.

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Would the same advice apply for a holistic applicant who was applying to two College of Arch majors… or two Bush School majors? for a holistic applicant, is it better to apply across colleges?

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If you have a kid that is super engineering/computer minded is there something in another college that is similar you can suggest?

Thank you for your advice. I’m the younger son.


Only engineering goes general for first year. It’s fine to pick two in the same college. Again, that’s my advice from prior year experience. I also know many that choose 2 engineering’s. If you do that, go early decision time!


I believe BA in computing is specific and separate on application. Also doesn’t go through ETAM process.


Thanks soo much for setting this up! I have a homeschooler who is applying August 1st to Mays, second choice major is either communications or university studies-leadership.

Since there’s no top 10% for homeschool students but there is legislation saying that class rank is determined by test score, I’m trying to decide if she should take the SAT again (780v, 680m). She’s taken 10 dual enrollment CC classes so far with a 3.8uw GPA (Bs in Biology and Business Calculus). She’s got national-level extracurriculars, great recommendations will write a good essay.

Any ideas?

1460 is a solid sat score. Couldn’t hurt to take again tho. Her DC gpa is great too, showing she can handle college courses.

What does she want to do with Mays… like what major within it?

She wants to major in management. Got promoted this summer to coach supervisor at the camp she has been working at for last 2 years.

FYI, when D24 and I visited TAMU, we were told that the University Studies majors were being phased out because the Deans hated them. Not sure if you’ll be able to pick them in August.


If choosing business you would only be applying to general business at first, not specific to accounting or marketing, etc. Just know Mays does not take 2nd choice applicants so if they want business it needs to be the first choice. Same with BIMS.

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Sorry she was replying to me on the mgmt specific major. I was curious to see what a good 2nd choice would be.

As for 2nd choice majors, being allowed… that’s only for transfers not freshman. You can pick engineering and business if you want. Happens all the time for top 10%.

If they have changed this, please let me know.

There is so much confusion with 2nd choice majors. Many transfer students think that if their first choice major says “no” to 2nd choice major, that they can’t pick a 2nd choice at all.

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My son received a zoom meeting invite for freshman application information. Anybody else doing this tonight?

I just know what we were told at the Aggieland Saturday in February. The Mays presenter and the BIMS presenter said they don’t take people who put those majors as second choice. :woman_shrugging:t3:

My son did one several weeks ago. It was good for him to hear it even though I have already been through this with my daughter last year.

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Hello- my son’s first choice is AM. He currently will be a senior this fall, has a 3.5 GPA unweighted, honor student with a lot of rigorous classes, took his SAT and scored a 1250. He also has Asperger’s and also has some leadership experience under his belt but not as much. He really wants to get into the business school but not in the top 10. Will he have a decent chance in getting in?

Joining the thread. Instate, maybe top 13% ds. He is undecided on major, but wants stem-something. He also does not have a first choice school yet. Going to take the SAT on Saturday. I just hope he applies to enough places to have somewhere to be excited about going this time next year. Good luck everyone!