Texas A&M Class of 2028 Official Thread

Yep! We had almost all top 25 quartile kids that applied get in from our school holistically (several TO) to Mays. Probably all close to 4.0 GPA kids. We are a small private school so the top 20 kids…

Thanks @mom3115


@jenwoh In the past, engineering freshman with hs college credit for calc1/2 etc were allowed to retake those classes. My understanding is that community college calc 1 is not the same as tamu calc 1 - for example tamu calc1 has some programming tasks and is more rigorous and tamu wants all the students to have a good foundation in math because all the proceeding classes (chem,phys,etc) build on it.

If it was me, I would encourage your student to continue with hs calc1 so he wont be learning this for the first time at tamu, and maybe go over what he didnt understand over the summer.

Its great he called but i would get it in writing (email) that he can retake calc1 at tamu even though he will have hs college credit and ask about any other implications. The question comes up alot and tamu probably has a stock answer.

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If I choose to attend TAMU, will just my DC credits transfer, or will the grades I earned in the courses transfer and be added to my TAMU transcript as well?

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Transfer credits show up on your transcript as credits with 0 points (no grades).

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Texas DC will, verify the course numbers below.


Non-Texas CC or college will need to check with admission.

GPA won’t be added to TAMU GPA.

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I have a question re: Honors at Mays, can we fill out the application after been admitted or it is too late now? Thank you.

Application during college application in Apply Texas or Common App. (See Incoming Student Process section in link down below)

If overlooked during application, you can email honors@mays.tamu.edu for questions.

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I believe BH application closed November 1st? That’s been the deadline in years past.
Unless your student is Top 3%, and/or NM s/f, next to zero chance at getting into BH.

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Thank you. Good idea, I will email to get it in writing.

Thank you very much!

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The Website says December 1. Thank you!!

@TigerGirl06 Dual credit classes will be summarized on your transcript as follows and the grade will be shown (an A will be a TA, a B will be a TB, etc) but of course will not be used in your tamu grade point calc.



Hello, can someone show me how to do housing deposit? The portal appears down right now(https://reslife.tamu.edu). Is there any other way to do so? Thanks in advance!

It’s been down all day :frowning:

The site is up now finally…

Anybody has filled the Engineering Honors application?. It requires recommendation letters and you cannot submit until the recommendation is sent by the recommender! I am not sure if they can use the recommendation sent along with the main application for TAMU or do we need to still arrange for separate ones for Engineering honors. Anybody with any information on this? thanks!

@tikkar21 it is a completely separate application.
A&M website can pretty much answer any question, always best for student to go to the source.

Pardon me if I was not clear initially - I do understand there is a separate form and application but I just want to check if for the recommendation required if I need to raise a new request or can they use the recommendation submitted with the initial TAMU application

A new LOR is required, as well as resume and transcript. The Eng HNR committee is completely separate from Admissions. It is a highly competitive program.