Texas A&M College of Engineering

<p>My son is going to apply to TAMU COE in August. His stats are:
Rank ; #6 out of 154
Scores: ACT 31 (29 Math)
GPA: 3.86
Many AP classes and extracurricular activities (baseball, football and band 9-12th grade)
Has a part time job
I know that he is an automatic admit to the university. I am worried about him being admitted to COE.
Since he has no community service hours, what should he do? His summers have been filled with baseball, football, band and working as well as the school year.
Does he need letters of recommendation? Anything else he can do?
Any input would be helpful.
Also, what majors does he list on the application aside from engineering since all freshman are put into general engineering until their sophomore year.
Thank you in advance!!</p>

<p>Congrats, your son’s stats are very good. He should not have any problem getting into the Engineering college. The community service is used more for scholarships and for those who are not auto admit. We were actually asked not to include letters of recommendation. You may need to for scholarships, but not admission… especially for auto admits.</p>

<p>My son still requested his major when he applied, it just shows as his “preferred” major. He won’t be admitted until after his first semester… if he meets the academic requirements. </p>

<p>Thank you so much whciv01! I appreciate your reply! Would my son put engineering for both choices or should he put 2 specific departments such as petroleum and aerospace engineering? Thank you!!!</p>

<p>mom9999 - my 2 cents on PetE as my son in currently a sophomore in that department. The advisors have mentioned to the new incoming students this year that admission will be a holistic approach when they apply. They will consider grades, extra-curriculars, leadership, and possibly an interview. They said they anticipate a 3.5 GPA (TAMU, not high school) as being competitive. </p>

<p>Thank you very much inspiration12!! </p>

<p>My son only applied for Engineering. His advisor has told him that the college will be looking at grades and performance mainly in Physics and Math. My son has AP credit in Physics, but has decided to take the courses at TAMU. His advisor told him that it would be hard for the department to accurately assess his skills without those courses. Our advisor did not mention extra-curricular as being a factor… at least not once in the university.</p>

<p>It’s interesting how the different departments within engineering may have somewhat different criteria for admission. Math and science is key, though. I remember the PetE advisor stressing performance in math and science. They have to take one math, one science, and one engineering class before they can apply. If grades are the same, my guess is that’s when they will look into other factors if there are more kids applying than space permits.</p>

<p>Well that is a relief. He has lots of extra-curriculars but no volunteer stuff. :frowning: And has great AP math and AP physics grades. Thank you so much whciv01!! When did your son apply? </p>

<p>@mom9999. Your son should be fine. I don’t think engineering cares all that much about extra-curriculars or volunteering. My son had basically no extra-curriculars or volunteering. He was admitted out of state into Aerospace Engineering as a NMF, 2320 SAT, and National AP Scholar including BC Calculus, Biology, and Computer Science. He did not take AP Physics. He starts at A&M on 9/1 and is just thrilled to be going there, as are we. Engineering does fill up quickly, so don’t waste any time getting his application in.</p>

<p>Just keep in mind there are 2 points of admission starting this year. The first one is getting admitted into COE and the 2nd point (which is new) is getting into the specific department. Depending on the competition, each department can set their own parameters as to what to look at, in addition to the performance in the core body of knowledge classes. For example, according to the PetE advisors, there are approx 550 kids who put petroleum engr. as their first choice this year. If all the kids had competitive GPA’s and they only admit 200, they’ll have to decide what differentiates them.</p>

<p>mom9999- My son applied last year and starts this coming fall semester. I know how you and your son feel as we were in your shoes last summer. We have already attended our NSC and my son will be living in the University Honors dorm. PM me and I will share anything more. We certainly don’t have all of the answers yet as our son hasn’t even started. But I will answer what I can.</p>

<p>How do I pm you whciv01? </p>

<p>Look in the top right corner of the screen. You will see an envelope with an arrow on it. That’s the internal email for College Board. Use my user id to find me (whciv01).</p>

<p>You can also click on my id to the left and use the MESSAGE button.</p>

<p>AHHH!!! Thank you so much whciv01!! All of this is so new to me and so stressful. I could use all the help and encouragement that I can get! Single mom working full time 130 miles from home is making this a little bit difficult! LOL!! I feel much better knowing there are people out there willing to help!!! Thank you all so much!!</p>