Texas A&M Fish Camp - positive or negative experience?

I know I will get both sides of the story, but my inbound freshman has heard fish camp will be drinking and parting, so I come to the community to ask the question…what was your experience at TAMU Fish Camp?

No alcohol or substances are permitted at Fish Camp. As a freshman in 2019, I had an absolute blast. All counselors were so welcoming, and the organization as a whole ran super smoothly. Fish Camp is mainly a means to make friends in a new environment and learn about Texas A&M traditions and culture. The great experience I had led to me becoming a counselor for the following two summers. I hope your freshman has a blast, and welcome to the Aggie Family! Gig 'em!

@kartmom17 my Aggie went to both Impact and Fish Camp in 2019. She didn’t ‘love’ either one.
Unfortunately in 2019, and at the session she attended, there were 2 specific camps that had very sexual agendas-one was geared toward Gay & Lesbians, the other just straight sex. This was among the fish camp staff, not campers.
There were MANY posts about it, it definitely did happen. Covid canceled Fish Camp in person the next year. Supposedly they have revamped, and won’t be tolerant of any future sexual misbehavior.
Haven’t heard of drinking taking place, at least not by campers.
Fish Camp isn’t what it was in the 80s and 90s. Same location, no cell service (which is great! Students need to be unplugged), Aggie traditions taught.
Some love it, some don’t.

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