Texas A&M Galveston

My son received PSA and applied to Galveston, and we’re still waiting. His original major was Biology for College Station, and now at Galveston he’s looking at the Oceans and One Health Major, which is a pre-med track. Has anyone else here applied to Texas A&M Galveston after they received PSA? Of course my son is also interested in transferring to College Station but only after a year at Galveston where he can get five -six classes under his belt, and take the main core requirements of a freshman year student in a Biology major track (i.e. Math, Chemistry, Bio). I am curious how many kids do this route.

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My son did. Got his acceptance to TAMUG a week ago for the same major. Probably going that route then changing majors to Allied Health or Kinesiology


Cool. How long does your son plan to stay at Galveston? My son is thinking about both semesters of freshman year, or possibly just one semester.

The entire year (depends on what math he tests into). Allied Health and Kinesiology only require 12 hrs to change your major.

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Have to take both maths and 2 sciences. Most can do 2 sciences together, but no one takes 2 maths in the same semester. So they truly are looking at 2 semesters. Which is perfect in my opinion. Why rush outta there? lol


It’s pretty quiet here – but wanted to post that my son is all set for TAMUG and is really excited. We are, too! NSC was great, he got the classes he wanted exactly - with the professors he wanted. He’s taking classes which are the exact same classes he’d take at TAMU College Station, yet instead of 350 students it’ll be more like 25-50 students. (In particular, Chemistry and Biology) and these are the exact same course/ numbrers at TAMU College Station. As long as he has a B, he can easily ‘change major’ . His plan is to stay there for his freshman year and he’s attending SALT Camp, Howdy Week, etc… and got a sports pass. Anyway, for anyone reading this considering TAMUG, from what we’ve seen so far it’s a great option and may even work better for our son to have smaller class size Freshman year.


@misterhemmings!! I’ve thought you about you all summer. So thankful for the update! Sounds like your boy is all set! GREAT that’s he’s got a Sports Pass, plans to attend SALT, Howdy Week, etc.
I just know he will love it! All the friends we know who have started out at TAMUG think long & hard before transferring, some have stayed on The Island to graduate.
There is an active FB page, just for TAMUG parents, be sure to join! And if your son isn’t on Instagram, make sure he gets on before August. Insta is how all the clubs/orgs post, communicate.
Keep us updated!

This may be a dumb question (sorry) but trying to weigh options as my student applies to A&M next week.

My understanding is that he can apply to A&M (CS) and Galveston as well. If he does not get College Station, I’ve been told he can go to Galveston and then change majors (and locations) after one year. Is that correct? It seems too easy. Would he need to be offered PSA from A&M (CS) at Galveston for this to work?

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@dawn3 what major?
Galveston is an extension of TAMU/College Station, not a system school…so no PSA.
Some Engineering majors may be offered to attend Galveston campus for a year, if not admitted directly to College Station.
Students can also apply directly to Galveston; they have some cool majors!

no major decided yet. probably something like business or Econ, neither of which Galveston has as a direct major as far as I can tell. he has no interest in anything maritime related so his options are limited.

@dawn3 Galveston has Maritime Business, which is very popular! We have several friends who started out in Galveston, Maritime Business, were able to transfer into Ag (Ag Business, Ag Econ, Ag Leadership) after a year on the Island.
PSA isn’t an option for Business. Ever. In fact, PSA majors are pretty limited, if your son is offered PSA.
Unless your son is Top 10% (or close to it, with stellar test scores), he’ll need a solid 2nd choice major, one not as competitive. Meaning, don’t list Mays, Visualization or Engineering, any combo of those 3.


Thank you for posting. My son was told the same thing just yesterday and I was jumping on to ask about it.

@Penny_Jones Galveston is NOT a PSA school. PSA are system campuses, and PSA must be offered (can’t be applied for), same goes for Blinn TEAM. Galveston is an extension of Main TAMU-same Aggie ring, sports pass, etc.

Be sure your student applies early, and application is complete & accurate, which includes making sure SRAR is correct.

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thank you for the information. very helpful.

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I love the Galveston route and if you want business then the maritime business is perfect. They take many of the same business classes so the change of major can be seamless. You need minimum 30 hours and certain courses completed with high gpa to change major. Make sure if you go this route that you know the requirement.

Also… you have Til spring to apply to Galveston. I would wait. I wouldn’t do it this soon.


thank you. at what point in the spring would you suggest applying?


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My son tried to apply for TAMUG for fall 2023. Apply Texas doesn’t show Fall 2023 as a choice on 2 did computers. Can anyone confirm they see the same issue

It may not be open yet. They could have a later app date since you can apply into the spring. I’ll double check in a bit.

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My daughter applied via Apply Texas with no problems. She applied for both TAMUG and TAMU.