Texas A&M Gateway Program

<p>I was recently accepted to the Texas A&M Gateway program which is a summer program (you take a few classes over 5 weeks and then are guaranteed entrance to the main campus for the fall as long as you maintain above a 2.0) and had a few questions:
1. Why did my major change to general studies and won't let me change it back to political science and the Liberal Arts college? (Under general studies you have to take a math test with no calculator and I'm awful at math, but under liberal arts you don't have to take this)
2. What classes do you take? I can't choose, so I was wondering if anyone had any prior experience and could tell me about it? I have a meeting with a rep next week.</p>

<p>It’s only a placement test, but I believe you can take a practice test to show you what to expect.</p>

<p>More than likely the reason your major changed was because it filled up. It’s possible you could get back in later. I’d talk to an adviser. Congratulations on Gateway and good luck!</p>

<p>Catie, My son was a Gateway student last summer and was placed in General Studies. All Gateway students are placed in GS. It has nothing to do with full majors. My son wants to study chemical engineering, so he is under a lot of pressure to do well this first year. His Gateway classes were theater history and an American history course, hardly the classes we ever imagined he would take right off the bat. He did well in all seven hours (including an hour study skills class). Those seven hours of A’s helped him start the regular school year with confidence. As for the math test, my son did fine, but math is his strength. Your initial reaction to being admitted to the Gateway Program may have been disappointment. However, except for the inability to land in your major from day-one (which is no small thing), I think Gateway is a real advantage to any freshman. You will know your way around campus and will have made friends, well before the campus fills back up in August. As my son is entering the home stretch of freshman year, I believe Gateway gave him a decided advantage, as it will you. Good luck and congrats!</p>