Texas a&m info for future applicant

<p>bobish101, RETAKE YOUR SAT!! Get a study guide or take a course to bring up critical reading 30 points. You are more than golden on math and need no extra help there. Just bring up your CR grade and you’re an automatic academic admit. End of frustration and anxiety about your application.</p>

<p>You are basically in at A&M, bobish101. You should also get in for the engineering majors because of your math score.</p>

<p>and yes i plan to do engineering of some sort…if i get in</p>

<p>does my math score count for something if i go into engineering? like they look at it if u go to engineering?
and by the way…i have only taken the SAT once in my life, and those were my scores. isthat bad that i dind’t try a second time?</p>

<p>Just apply early since A&M has rolling admissions if you’re really worried. I wouldn’t because your test scores are pretty good with some good ECs. There’s no way you’d not get in. A&M is not hard to get into.</p>

<p>And yes, they look at your math score very closely for engineering and you scored a freaking perfect 800! You’ll most likely get into engineering. And it’s not bad if you didn’t take the SATs more than once, so don’t worry.</p>

<p>oh ok well sorry for bugging u if i did…just 1 more questoin if ur still on =)
do i get a…uh…“up” on my chances if my older sister is going their rite now, and my dad has done engineering from there too?</p>

<p>Just by the end of October would be good. If you want a good dorm, applying early would be best too.</p>

<p>yea thats wut i heard…except my parents want to put me in an apartment with a friend or someone.
i guess thats kinda good huh?</p>

<p>Are you bringing a car or bike? You’ll probably one or the either if you will be living off campus.</p>

<p>well car for sure…bike i heard i should get one?
and ya i dont mind riding a bike…i see huge lines of bikes everytime i visit at collegestation lol…and i’ll definetly bring a lock…i heard of bikes getting stolen too lol</p>

<p>It will probably make life easier if classes that are far away from each other or don’t like to walk lol.
Yeah, my friend got his bike stolen on day 3 when we moved in lol. xD
And they Aggies don’t steal, lie, or cheat? Pfttt. As if.</p>

<p>im sure its worse at Ut…all those hoboes around u cant trustem lol</p>

<p>Hey now. Don’t trash talk UT. <em>Angry face</em></p>

<p>Xcellerator, hopefully you are being sarcastic. I know from previous posts you are hoping to tranfer to t.u., but it’s a little unrealistic not to expect some trash talk about them on an A&M discussion page. I can assure you there is trash talk about A&M on the t.u. page. (And, yes, former Aggies all refer to that other school in Austin with the lower case. It’s all in fun).</p>

<p>I thought A&M had rolling acceptance, not rolling admissions. I was under the impression that application submission date had no bearing on the order your admission is evaluated in or on your chances of getting accepted. Only that acceptance is sent out as it is made and therefore some students may get their acceptance letters before others, especially regarding auto admits.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the difference would be.
They do not wait until the application deadline to make admissions.</p>

<p>gxgal7 - Yeeee, I was being sarcastic lol. And I already know about the “t.u.” thing. -_-</p>

<p>aggiewannabe - I’m pretty sure A&M has rolling admissions. Could be wrong. A&M does send out acceptance letters early to those who are close to but not an auto admit…</p>

<p>well i am a “close to auto admit” cuase im 12ppl away from top 10, and 30pts away from the 1300 sat (even though i got a 1370 actually) so im not gona waste my senior year having a mental breakdown</p>

<p>bobish101 - my daughter was in very close to automatic admission - just as you are. She put her application in on November 25th - or close to that date (I’ve slept since then) and was admitted right after the first of the year. She was admitted into the College of Architecture, one of the most competitive majors on campus.
you will hear soon, no breakdown required.</p>

<p>Well i already applied LOL!
all techer recommendations will be in in like a week, applytexas app in, EVERYTHING is in!..lol
yea i know MID-SEPTEMBER mite be alittle early, but i think it’ll really help!..im so excited
when do i find out the restults?? same time as everyoen else? or earlier since i applied like really early?</p>