Texas A&M Late Transcript - December 2nd

<p>Okay so i already sent in everything for Texas A&M and already received my acceptance letter. BUT, I was about 1 person away from being top 10% but now after the first trimester I was in top 10% again. But, the new official transcripts were just release during the break and I couldn't send it. Do you think they will accept my new updated ranks if I send them in tomorrow? I'm sure I can order an official transcript tomorrow and send it tomorrow which is December 2nd. Also, I am hearing a lot of chatter that the deadline for TAMU has been changed to December 2nd? Is this true? and the reason I am skeptic is because on TAMU is says for freshman that "Updated class ranks will not be considered after the December 1 deadline." And idk if they will receive the transcript if I send it tomorrow, what if they receive it the day after tomorrow.... Please help!</p>