Texas A&M - Mays Business School - Fall 2017

Was anyone got admitted to Mays today?

I was not

Does anyone know if there are any spots even left for Mays? I feel like i’ve lost all hope.

My wife just got her tabs this morning and it’s still showing Business as first choice. Good sign??

My wife just got admitted to Mays!!!

Just got admitted. Hang in there guys, I’m sure they will send you a response soon

where do i find the tabs? are they on howdy?

Yeah the extra tabs should pop up and your applicant tab should disappear.

Was anyone got admitted to Mays today?

My son got his six tabs but still reflecting under review and his first major still at Mays. I hope this is good sign. :slight_smile:

Could you share the stats if you don’t mind? @aggiefall2017

My son just got admitted to Mays!!!
3.65 GPA University (A in Acctg)
3.166 GPA HS dual credit
3.5 overall GPA (A&M transferable coursework)
58 total credit hours and ready to join May’s Junior class this Fall 2017

Thanks ! Congratulation!

I got rejected from Mays earlier this week…
3.94 GPA at community college
3.84 overall GPA (A&M transferable coursework)
48 credit hours
Originally made a C in TAMU course 140 retook it and got an A
also a B in accounting…

I also got rejected from Mays this week.
4.0 GPA in CC
3.81 overall GPA (A&M transfer audit)
63 credit hours
I got an F in History1301 but got A after I retook it. My gap dropped from 4.0 to 3.81 just because of the HIST.
I got As in every recommended coursework.

I don’t get it why I got rejected. Getting F in history is that important? it is not even important compared to ECON ACCT MATH classes.

were people in review for this long?
It is because of how selective they have to be. Way more applicants than spots.
They have to look at so many other factors than GPA.
Got accepted a few weeks ago with a transfer audit GPA 3.25
But all the bad grades I had were from over 4 years ago.

Congrats on your admission! @aggieland2017