Texas A&M ranking based on school profile


I currently have a 5.044/6.0GPA and the cutoff at my school is 5.12 for top 10%. My school does not rank anyone outside of the top 10% but my counselor has told me that I am in the top quartile. I will be applying for the fall of 2017 and I am looking to get auto-admit because I scored a 32 on my ACT. Is there a possibility since A&M ranks you based on your school profile that they won’t put me in the 1st quarter because my school doesn’t rank below the top 10%?

My school doesn’t rank at all (small competitive private school) and with a 31 ACT and very good but not super great GPA I got assigned top quarter. I wouldn’t sweat it

I agree with ItsOVO, don’t sweat it. However, get your application in early! I know it is repeated over and over on this site but it is especially important when applying to Texas A&M.