Texas A&M Scholarship Notice

When do we find out what type of financial aid/scholarships we will be receiving and how?

I got accepted to engineering first round a few months ago and I’ve been waiting to hear back about honors (both University and engineering) and financial aid info. As I’m waiting, I’ve heard people say they got money from Baylor, Alabama, and other colleges which makes me a tad bit uneasy.

Is this communicated through my tamu email? Because that’s also something I haven’t been able to access. I’m still waiting to hear back from a few colleges in late March and need to go visit Purdue, so I haven’t accepted tamu’s offer. It just seems like this process is taking quite a long time considering that I was completely accepted months ago.

We are also still waiting to hear back about engineering scholarships. Hang in there! Should be soon.

You may well get nothing, my kid last year with higher test scores got 900$ and then another 900$. You also may well not get into honors, my kid was wait listed and got in in the end but again, higher scores and rank. IMO don’t bank on getting any scholarship money, you are among a higher stats groups already in engineering, if honors is say top 10% of CStat eng admits, even the bottom test scores for HC are going to be high. As you are instate, you need a massive merit award from an OOS like Purdue to get you to TAMUs 22K ish a year. Make sure you have the money talk before going to visit. TAMU is not Baylor or Alabama. Even Alabama wouldn’t match your instate costs with auto merit for your scores, would it?

I noticed have 3 different test scores in your threads, so maybe disregard my comments, you have a 1540, and 1560 and a 31 ACT on 3 threads, which is your actual highest score? You are not NMSF? Even with a 1540 SAT in 2018?

I think TAMU scholarships roll in pretty late. Being in Honors seems key to the process. My ACT 34 engineering student got $0.00 in scholarships from TAMU. She declined her admission very early in the game though so it’s hard to know what could’ve rolled in. However, I know another 34 ACT engineering student who got $0.00.

It’s tough in engineering. If you were National Merit, I think you would have heard something by now. My D (who graduated in 2016) ended up with a very generous scholarship package. The first ones rolled in starting in October, then they kept adding more over time. She was National Merit and not Engineering, so I know that factored in. I know it has gotten progressively harder to get the academic awards.

We just happend to ck dtr’s financial aid portal last week and looked under 2020-2021. She had a couple of scholarships listed that she needed to accept. She’s accepted to Engr Honors with a 33 ACT.

@Tam1233 Congrats! That’s awesome.

From our experience, eh is very responsive. He got the answer about a week after it was completed. He got in along with the others on here in December. I wouldn’t count much on the merit scholarship with tamu unless you’re a nm. They also seem to treat low income/first gen very well, like full ride with stipends. I think the one that gives the most merit is utd. My son took his test again for Baylor and other schools. Not sure if they will use it. Hope he’ll get something. Anything is good. From what I remember, If I remember correctly, they said it’s either Feb or March when they send out notifications.

@Tam1233 , may I ask how much scholarship money she received? $4000 is that threshold for out of state students to receive a oos tuition waiver…just curious is that is possible to get with a 33 ACT.

Lechner which is $2500 per yr
She’s in state, high gpa, top 2% of class. We were really surprised. Hadnt expected much if any. Notice that it’s got a very high gpa requirement to keep it. 3.5 overall

Hi Folks, the disclosure process for scholarships is ongoing after you are admitted to A&M. There are several good and even two incredible top of the line flagship full ride scholarships that A&M offers: https://scholarships.tamu.edu/Scholarship-Programs and https://admissions.tamu.edu/freshman/national-scholars

If you are NMSF and are offered the Brown scholarship, you will get a full ride based on three scholarships: the Brown, Presidents Endowed and National Merit Scholarship stacking up. You can also keep any additional outside scholarship.

The other big full ride scholarship is the Brockman: https://brockmanfoundation.org/scholarship-program/

The Brockman makes you give up all other possible scholarship(s) as it covers everything and I mean everything for 5 years plus a laptop and study abroad.

These two scholarships are the big ones. There are other good but smaller ones but these two are the flagships.

If you met the requirements and didn’t get selected to interview for the Brown, you could have applied for the Brockman to go through the two interview rounds.

If you didn’t meet the requirements for these two or any of the other big ones, then if you even get $ 500 from A&M, it’s a big deal and you should consider yourself fortunate. Many kids get outside scholarships to go to A&M as well so there are plenty of funding sources. It’s just whether you find out about them.

I saw this yesterday, so I asked my daughter to take a look at her Howdy. Sure enough she got one too! Not sure which one but it is also $2500 per year. Every bit helps!

Are you familiar with details behind brockman - e.g. what is “everything and I mean everything for 5 years plus a laptop and study abroad” as far as Cost of Attendance. Is it the full $28,972 listed here plus the LT and SO:


The Brockman scholarship covers COA = $ 28,972 (Tuition, books, housing, meals, etc.) and then the scholar turns in the receipt for their laptop, then they turn in their expenses for study abroad. Then after 4 years of covering for the undergraduate degree, the scholarship covers the $ 35,000+ masters in science business program: https://mays.tamu.edu/ms-business/

There several events that scholars are expected to attend and optional enrichment ones that scholars can attend. It’s one heck of a scholarship…easily worth $ 180,000 during the 5 years.

In its third year of existence, the interview, evaluation, and communication process is run very professionally. Pretty much everything is spelled out clearly.

@Aggieswin96 , do you know if students have to repay the scholarship if they fall below the 3.5 GPA? There are Brockman scholars who aren’t sure and have anxieties about this. Is there something concrete that says they do or don’t have to repay?

From the website…
Brockman Scholars must meet eligibility requirements each year to continue receiving the scholarship. This includes maintaining a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.5 every semester. We do understand that, on occasion, circumstances beyond a student’s control may impact their academic performance and, in such cases, consideration will be given to those circumstances when a decision is made about a scholar’s future scholarship support.
I would read that as long as one meets the requirement, s/he will continue. I don’t think one has to pay back what’s already paid for. It sounds they may even make exception when not met. This is one thing we (aka I and my spouse) have to consider when accepting admission with big chunk of merit scholarship from private institutes. And thanks for the PM.

My kids didn’t apply Brockman because the 5th year studying in business – neither of them is remotely interested in business. But now I wish I encouraged them to apply for it anyway. :frowning:

CS and engineering honors, still hope to get some extra scholarships besides NMS, as it matters with low income. Interviewed with Brockman, but not picked for Brown. It is only one month left before we have to decided which school to set as 1st choice, and I want my son to continue as 2nd generation Aggie. Fingers crossed.

This is what I found “Remember, if you report a college as first choice, you can always change your mind. However, be careful not to miss NMSC’s deadline for reporting this change. Technically you have until May 31 to change your first choice. However if a college offers you an award and NMSC goes out with an announcement of that award on May 1, then you are no longer able to transfer the college sponsorship, and you will be ineligible at the new institution. Therefore to be safe, make sure you report your new first choice to NMSC by April 30 at the latest.”

Am I missing something required by A&M for NMSC? We’re planning to make the choice in mid April.

There has been an update in the financial portal. My son got some $ added.